481A.7 Hunting on game refuges.
1. It shall be unlawful to hunt, pursue, kill, trap or take any wild animal, bird, or game on any state game refuge so established at any time of the year, and no one shall carry firearms thereon, providing, however, that predatory birds and animals may be killed or trapped under the authority and direction of the director.
2. The commission may specify the distance from a state game refuge where shooting is prohibited, and shall have notice of same posted at such distance in conspicuous places around the refuge, provided, however, this prohibition shall not apply to owners or tenants hunting on their own land outside of a state game refuge. The commission may prohibit shooting at any reasonable distance from a state game refuge deemed necessary to accomplish the purposes for which the refuge is established.
[C27, 31, 35, §1709-a2; C39, §1709.3; C46, 50, 54, 58, 62, 66, 71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, §109.7]
86 Acts, ch 1245, §1855
C93, §481A.7
Referred to in §805.8B(3)(d)
For applicable scheduled fines, see §805.8B, subsection 3, paragraph d
Structure Iowa Code
Section 481A.2 - State ownership and title — exceptions.
Section 481A.3 - Conclusive presumption.
Section 481A.4 - Fish hatcheries — game farms.
Section 481A.5 - State game refuges.
Section 481A.6 - Game management area.
Section 481A.6A - Pen-reared pheasants — release by landowners and tenants.
Section 481A.6B - Pheasant population studies — reports.
Section 481A.7 - Hunting on game refuges.
Section 481A.8 - Notice of establishment.
Section 481A.9 - Spawning grounds.
Section 481A.10 - Reports and accounting.
Section 481A.10A - Farmer advisory committee.
Section 481A.11 - Seized or accidentally killed game — disposition.
Section 481A.12 - Seizure of wildlife taken or handled illegally.
Section 481A.13 - Search warrants.
Section 481A.13A - Conviction required for property confiscation — return of property.
Section 481A.14 - Dams — fishways.
Section 481A.15 - Destruction or alteration of dam.
Section 481A.16 - Taking by director for stocking and exchange.
Section 481A.17 - Target shooting sports program.
Section 481A.18 - Hunting incidents — mandatory reporting.
Section 481A.19 - Reciprocity of states.
Section 481A.20 - Parrots and canaries.
Section 481A.21 - Birds as targets.
Section 481A.22 - Field and retriever meets — permits and tags required.
Section 481A.23 - Transportation for sale prohibited.
Section 481A.24 - Use of mobile radio transmitter prohibited — exceptions.
Section 481A.26 - Unlawful transportation.
Section 481A.30 - Entire shipment contraband.
Section 481A.31 - Game brought into the state.
Section 481A.32 - Violations — penalties.
Section 481A.33 - Violations relating to dams.
Section 481A.34 - Violations by common carrier.
Section 481A.35 - Attorney general and county attorneys.
Section 481A.36 - Information — venue.
Section 481A.37 - Presumptive evidence.
Section 481A.38 - Prohibited acts — restrictions on the taking of wildlife — special licenses.
Section 481A.39 - Biological balance maintained.
Section 481A.40 - Use of drugs on wildlife — penalty.
Section 481A.42 - Nongame protected — exclusion.
Section 481A.47 - Importing fish and game — permits.
Section 481A.48 - Restrictions on game birds and animals.
Section 481A.50 - Selling birds.
Section 481A.51 - Hunting license not trapping license.
Section 481A.52 - Exhibiting catch to officer.
Section 481A.53 - Chasing from dens.
Section 481A.55 - Selling game.
Section 481A.56 - Training dogs.
Section 481A.56A - Retrieval of wounded deer by leashed dogs.
Section 481A.57 - Possession and storage.
Section 481A.58 - Trapping birds or poisoning animals.
Section 481A.59 - Pigeons — interference prohibited.
Section 481A.60 - Raising game — rulemaking authority.
Section 481A.61 - Licensed game breeders — marketing game — penalty.
Section 481A.62 - Records — reports — inspection.
Section 481A.63 - Sale of bait — license.
Section 481A.66 - Banding or marking.
Section 481A.67 - Seasons and limits — turtle harvesting restrictions.
Section 481A.68 - Tip-up fishing device.
Section 481A.69 - Fish designated.
Section 481A.71 - Releasing unlawful catch.
Section 481A.72 - Hooks and lines.
Section 481A.73 - Trotlines and tagged lines.
Section 481A.74 - Where permitted.
Section 481A.76 - Unlawful means — exception.
Section 481A.78 - Stocking private water.
Section 481A.83 - Prohibited stocking.
Section 481A.84 - Frogs — catching — selling.
Section 481A.85 - Prohibited areas.
Section 481A.86 - Federal employees excepted.
Section 481A.87 - Open seasons.
Section 481A.89 - Permit to hold hides.
Section 481A.90 - Disturbing dens.
Section 481A.91 - Shooting or spearing.
Section 481A.92 - Traps — disturbing dens — tags for traps.
Section 481A.93 - Hunting by artificial light.
Section 481A.95 - License — reciprocity.
Section 481A.96 - Possession by dealer.
Section 481A.98 - Reporting violations.
Section 481A.120 - Hunting from aircraft or snowmobiles prohibited.
Section 481A.121 - Turtles and crayfish — taking by nonresidents or aliens.
Section 481A.122 - Hunters’ orange apparel.
Section 481A.123 - Prohibited hunting near buildings, feedlots.
Section 481A.124 - Taking predominantly white deer of the whitetail species prohibited.
Section 481A.125A - Remote control or internet hunting — criminal and civil penalties.
Section 481A.130 - Damages in addition to penalty — animals — ginseng.
Section 481A.131 - Judgment — execution.
Section 481A.132 - Service of process or arrest — pendency of damage claim.
Section 481A.133 - Suspension of licenses, certificates, and permits.
Section 481A.134 - Authority to cancel, suspend, or revoke license — point system.
Section 481A.135 - Repeat offender — records, enforcement, and penalties.
Section 481A.136 - Unlawful commercialization of wildlife — penalty.
Section 481A.137 - Abandonment of dead or injured wildlife.
Section 481A.141 - Aquaculture — license required.
Section 481A.142 - Licensed aquaculture units — activities allowed.
Section 481A.143 - Licensed aquaculture units — requirements.
Section 481A.144 - Licensed bait dealers — requirements.
Section 481A.145 - Taking and selling of minnows and other bait — regulations.
Section 481A.146 - Authority of the director.
Section 481A.147 - Theft of fish.
Section 481A.151 - Restitution for pollution causing injury to wild animals.