Iowa Code
Section 331.504 - Duties as clerk to the board.

331.504 Duties as clerk to the board.
The auditor shall:
1. Record the proceedings of the board. The minutes of the board shall include a record of all actions taken and the complete text of the motions, resolutions, amendments, and ordinances adopted by the board. Upon the request of a supervisor present at a meeting, the minutes shall include a record of the vote of each supervisor on any question before the board.
2. Maintain the books and records required to be kept by the board under section 331.303.
3. Sign all orders issued by the board for the payment of money.
4. Record the reports of the treasurer of the receipts and disbursements of the county.
5. Maintain a file of all accounts acted upon by the board with the board’s action on each account. If the board allows an expenditure from an account, the auditor shall indicate the amount of expenditure and the bill or claim for which the expenditure is allowed.
6. Furnish a copy of the proceedings of the board required to be published as provided in section 349.18.
7. Number each claim consecutively in the order of filing and enter the claim in the claim register alphabetically by the name of the claimant and including the date of filing, the number of the claim and its general nature, the action of the board, and if allowed, the fund from which the claim is paid. A record of the claims allowed at each session of the board shall be included in the minute book by reference to the numbers of the claims as entered in the claim register.
8. File for presentation to the board all unliquidated claims against the county and all claims for fees or compensation, except salaries fixed by state law. The claims, before being audited or paid, shall be itemized to clearly show the basis of the claim and whether for property sold or furnished for services rendered or for another purpose. An action shall not be brought against the county relating to a claim until the claim is filed as provided in this subsection and the payment refused or neglected.
[R60, §319; C73, §320, 2610, 3843; C97, §470, 1300, 3528; C24, 27, 31, 35, 39, §5123, 5124, 5141; C46, 50, 54, 58, 62, 66, 71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, §333.1(1 – 6), 331.20, 331.21; S81, §331.504; 81 Acts, ch 117, §503]
83 Acts, ch 29, §1
Referred to in §331.211

Structure Iowa Code

Iowa Code



Section 331.101 - Definitions.

Section 331.201 - Board membership — qualifications — term.

Section 331.203 - Membership increased — vote.

Section 331.204 - Membership reduced — vote — new members.

Section 331.205 - Petition and vote in certain counties — exception.

Section 331.206 - Supervisor districts.

Section 331.207 - Special election — supervisor districts.

Section 331.208 - Plan “one” terms of office.

Section 331.209 - Plan “two” terms of office.

Section 331.210 - Plan “three”.

Section 331.210A - Temporary county redistricting commission.

Section 331.211 - Organization of the board.

Section 331.212 - Quorum — majority vote required.

Section 331.213 - Meetings of the board.

Section 331.214 - Vacancy of supervisor’s office.

Section 331.215 - Compensation and expenses.

Section 331.216 - Membership on appointive boards, committees, and commissions.

Section 331.231 - Alternative forms of county government.

Section 331.232 - Plan for an alternative form of government.

Section 331.233 - Appointment of commission members.

Section 331.233A - Appointment of commission members — city-county consolidation or community commonwealth.

Section 331.234 - Organization and expenses.

Section 331.235 - Commission procedures and reports.

Section 331.236 - Ballot requirements.

Section 331.237 - Referendum — effective date.

Section 331.238 - Limitations to alternative forms of county government.

Section 331.239 - Board-elected executive form.

Section 331.240 - Duties of executive.

Section 331.241 - Board-manager form.

Section 331.242 - Duties of manager.

Section 331.243 - Employees of board-manager government.

Section 331.244 - Amendment to county government.

Section 331.245 - Limitations on amendments to county government.

Section 331.246 - Charter form of government.

Section 331.247 - City-county consolidated form.

Section 331.248 - Charter of consolidation.

Section 331.249 - Effect of consolidation.

Section 331.250 - General powers of consolidated local governments.

Section 331.251 - Rules, ordinances, and resolutions of consolidated government.

Section 331.252 - Form of ballot — city-county consolidation.

Section 331.253 - Requirements for multicounty government consolidation.

Section 331.254 - Charter of consolidation.

Section 331.255 - Form of ballot — multicounty consolidation.

Section 331.256 - Joining existing multicounty consolidated government.

Section 331.257 - Recognition of change in boundaries by general assembly.

Section 331.260 - Community commonwealth.

Section 331.261 - Charter — community commonwealth.

Section 331.262 - Adoption of charter — effect.

Section 331.263 - Service delivery.

Section 331.301 - General powers and limitations.

Section 331.302 - County legislation.

Section 331.303 - General duties of the board.

Section 331.304 - Procedural limitations on general county powers.

Section 331.304A - Limitations on county legislation.

Section 331.305 - Publication of notices — electronic delivery authorization.

Section 331.306 - Petitions of eligible electors.

Section 331.307 - County infractions.

Section 331.308 - Neglected animals.

Section 331.309 - Elections on public measures.

Section 331.321 - Appointments — removal.

Section 331.322 - Duties relating to county and township officers.

Section 331.323 - Powers relating to county officers — combining duties.

Section 331.324 - Duties and powers relating to county and township officers and employees.

Section 331.325 - Control and maintenance of pioneer cemeteries — cemetery commission.

Section 331.341 - Contracts.

Section 331.342 - Conflicts of interest in public contracts.

Section 331.361 - County property.

Section 331.362 - Roads and traffic.

Section 331.381 - Duties relating to services.

Section 331.382 - Powers and limitations relating to services.

Section 331.383 - Duties and powers relating to elections.

Section 331.384 - Abatement of public health and safety hazards — special assessments.

Section 331.385 - Powers and duties relating to emergency services.

Section 331.388 - Definitions.

Section 331.389 - Mental health and disability services regions — criteria.

Section 331.390 - Regional governance structure.

Section 331.391 - Regional finances.

Section 331.392 - Regional governance agreements.

Section 331.393 - Regional service system management plan.

Section 331.394 - County of residence — services to residents — service authorization appeals — disputes between counties or regions.

Section 331.395 - Financial eligibility requirements.

Section 331.396 - Diagnosis — functional assessment.

Section 331.396A - Eligibility requirements — children’s behavioral health services.

Section 331.397 - Regional core services.

Section 331.397A - Children’s behavioral health core services.

Section 331.398 - Regional service system financing.

Section 331.399 - Governmental body.

Section 331.400 - Quarterly reports.

Section 331.401 - Duties relating to finances.

Section 331.402 - Powers relating to finances — limitations.

Section 331.403 - Annual reports — financial report — urban renewal report.

Section 331.421 - Definitions.

Section 331.422 - County property tax levies.

Section 331.423 - Basic levies — maximums.

Section 331.424 - Supplemental levies.

Section 331.424A - County mental health and disabilities services fund.

Section 331.424B - Cemetery levy.

Section 331.424C - Emergency services fund.

Section 331.425 - Additions to levies — special levy election.

Section 331.426 - Additions to basic levies.

Section 331.427 - General fund.

Section 331.428 - Rural services fund.

Section 331.429 - Secondary road fund.

Section 331.430 - Debt service fund.

Section 331.431 - Additional funds.

Section 331.432 - Interfund transfers.

Section 331.433 - Estimates submitted by departments.

Section 331.433A - Resolution establishing maximum property tax dollars — notice — hearing.

Section 331.434 - County budget — notice and hearing — appropriations.

Section 331.435 - Budget amendment.

Section 331.436 - Protest.

Section 331.437 - Expenditures exceeding appropriations.

Section 331.438 - County mental health, intellectual disability, and developmental disabilities services expenditures — joint state-county planning, implementing, and funding.

Section 331.439 - Eligibility for state payment.

Section 331.440 - Mental health, intellectual disability, and developmental disabilities services — central point of coordination process — state case services.

Section 331.440A - Adult mental health, mental retardation, and developmental disabilities services funding decategorization pilot project.

Section 331.441 - Definitions.

Section 331.442 - General county purpose bonds.

Section 331.443 - Essential county purpose bonds.

Section 331.443A - Restrictions on certain projects.

Section 331.444 - Sale of bonds.

Section 331.445 - Categories for general obligation bonds.

Section 331.446 - Form and execution — negotiability.

Section 331.447 - Taxes to pay bonds.

Section 331.448 - Statute of limitation — powers — conflicts.

Section 331.449 - Prior projects preserved.

Section 331.461 - Definitions.

Section 331.462 - County enterprises — combined county enterprises.

Section 331.463 - Procedure for financing.

Section 331.464 - Revenue bonds.

Section 331.465 - Rates for proprietary functions.

Section 331.466 - Records — accounts — funds.

Section 331.467 - Pledge — payment — remedy.

Section 331.468 - Funds — payments.

Section 331.469 - Statute of limitation — powers — conflicts.

Section 331.470 - Prior projects preserved.

Section 331.471 - County enterprise commissions.

Section 331.476 - Expenditures confined to receipts.

Section 331.477 - Current debt authorized.

Section 331.478 - Noncurrent debt authorized.

Section 331.479 - Other noncurrent debt issuance.

Section 331.485 - Definitions.

Section 331.486 - Assessment of costs of public improvements.

Section 331.487 - Special assessment bonds for public improvements.

Section 331.488 - Joint agreements for public improvements.

Section 331.489 - Rates and charges relating to public improvements.

Section 331.490 - Cities subject to debt service tax levy — rates.

Section 331.491 - Authority.

Section 331.501 - Office of county auditor.

Section 331.502 - General duties.

Section 331.503 - General powers.

Section 331.504 - Duties as clerk to the board.

Section 331.505 - Duties relating to elections.

Section 331.506 - Issuance of warrants.

Section 331.507 - Collection of money and fees.

Section 331.508 - Books and records.

Section 331.510 - Reports by the auditor.

Section 331.511 - Duties relating to platting.

Section 331.512 - Duties relating to taxation.

Section 331.551 - Office of county treasurer.

Section 331.552 - General duties.

Section 331.553 - General powers.

Section 331.554 - Duties relating to warrants.

Section 331.555 - Fund management.

Section 331.557 - Duties relating to vehicle registrations and certificates of title.

Section 331.557A - Duties relating to issuance of driver’s licenses.

Section 331.558 - Reports by the treasurer.

Section 331.559 - Duties relating to taxation.

Section 331.601 - Office of county recorder.

Section 331.601A - Definitions.

Section 331.602 - General duties.

Section 331.603 - General powers.

Section 331.604 - Recording and filing fees.

Section 331.605 - Other fees.

Section 331.605A - Document management fee.

Section 331.605B - Fees collected — audit.

Section 331.605C - Electronic transaction fee — audit.

Section 331.606 - General filing requirements.

Section 331.606A - Document content — personally identifiable information.

Section 331.606B - Document or document formatting standards.

Section 331.607 - Books and records.

Section 331.608 - Military personnel records.

Section 331.609 - Federal liens.

Section 331.610 - Abolition of office of recorder — identification of office — place of filing.

Section 331.611 - Vital statistics.

Section 331.651 - Office of county sheriff.

Section 331.652 - General powers of the sheriff.

Section 331.653 - General duties of the sheriff.

Section 331.654 - Faithful discharge of duties — penalty for disobedience.

Section 331.655 - Fees — mileage — expenses.

Section 331.656 - Management of condemnation funds.

Section 331.657 - Standard uniforms.

Section 331.658 - Care of prisoners.

Section 331.659 - Prohibited actions.

Section 331.660 - Appropriation — Indian settlement officer.

Section 331.661 - Multicounty office.

Section 331.751 - Office of county attorney.

Section 331.752 - Full-time or part-time attorney.

Section 331.753 - Multicounty office.

Section 331.754 - Absence or disqualification of county attorney and assistants.

Section 331.755 - Prohibited actions.

Section 331.756 - Duties of the county attorney.

Section 331.757 - Temporary and full-time assistants.

Section 331.758 - General powers.

Section 331.759 - Appointment of private legal counsel.

Section 331.801 - County medical examiner — appointment, qualifications, and assistance.

Section 331.802 - Deaths — reported and investigated.

Section 331.803 - Examination certificate — fee.

Section 331.804 - Disposition of body and other property.

Section 331.805 - Prohibited actions — cremation permit — penalties.

Section 331.901 - General duties of county officers.

Section 331.902 - Collection and disposition of fees.

Section 331.903 - Appointment of deputies, assistants, and clerks.

Section 331.904 - Salaries of deputies, assistants, and clerks.

Section 331.905 - County compensation board.

Section 331.907 - Compensation schedule — preparation and adoption.

Section 331.908 - Motor vehicles required to operate on ethanol blended gasoline.

Section 331.909 - Multidisciplinary community services teams.

Section 331.910 - Interstate contracts for mental health and substance-related disorder treatment.