Iowa Code
Section 298.7 - Contract for use of library — tax levy.

298.7 Contract for use of library — tax levy.
1. The board of directors of a school corporation in which there is no free public library may contract with a free public library for the free use of the library by the residents of the school district, and pay the library the amount agreed upon for the use of the library as provided by law. During the existence of the contract, the board shall certify annually a tax sufficient to pay the library the consideration agreed upon, not exceeding twenty cents per thousand dollars of assessed value of the taxable property of the district. During the existence of the contract, the school corporation is relieved from the requirement that the school treasurer withhold funds for library purposes. This section does not apply in townships where a contract for other library facilities is in existence.
2. However, if a school district which is qualified to contract for library services under subsection 1 levies a tax not to exceed twenty cents per thousand dollars of assessed valuation of the taxable property for school library purposes in the fiscal year before a reorganization involving the district, the tax levy shall remain valid for succeeding fiscal years, and shall be levied and collected against the taxable property of the former district which is part of the reorganized district for school library purposes. The contract and the tax levy may be discontinued by a petition signed by eligible electors residing in the former district. The petition requesting the discontinuance must be signed by no fewer than one hundred eligible electors or thirty percent of the number voting at the last preceding school election in the former district, whichever is greater. The petition must be filed with the secretary of the board of directors of the school district at least seventy-five days before the next regular school election. The proposal to discontinue the levy shall be deemed adopted if the vote in favor of the discontinuance is equal to at least a majority of the total vote cast on the proposal by the electors of the former school district.
[S13, §2806; C24, 27, 31, 35, 39, §4391; C46, 50, 54, 58, 62, 66, 71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, §298.7]
84 Acts, ch 1288, §1; 93 Acts, ch 74, §1
Referred to in §298A.7