Iowa Code
Section 249A.4B - Medical assistance advisory council.

249A.4B Medical assistance advisory council.
1. A medical assistance advisory council is created to comply with
42 C.F.R. §431.12
based on section 1902(a)(4) of the federal Social Security Act and to advise the director about health and medical care services under the medical assistance program. The council shall meet no more than quarterly. The director of public health and a public member of the council selected by the public members of the council shall serve as co-chairpersons of the council.
2. a. The council shall consist of the following voting members:
(1) Five professional or business entity members selected by the entities specified pursuant to subsection 3, paragraph “a”.
(2) Five public members appointed pursuant to subsection 3, paragraph “b”. Of the five public members, at least one member shall be a recipient of medical assistance.
b. The council shall include all of the following nonvoting members:
(1) The director of public health, or the director’s designee.
(2) The director of the department on aging, or the director’s designee.
(3) The long-term care ombudsman, or the long-term care ombudsman’s designee.
(4) The dean of Des Moines university — osteopathic medical center, or the dean’s designee.
(5) The dean of the university of Iowa college of medicine, or the dean’s designee.
(6) A member of the hawk-i board created in section 514I.5, selected by the members of the hawk-i board.
(7) The following members of the general assembly, each for a term of two years as provided in section 69.16B:
(a) Two members of the house of representatives, one appointed by the speaker of the house of representatives and one appointed by the minority leader of the house of representatives from their respective parties.
(b) Two members of the senate, one appointed by the president of the senate after consultation with the majority leader of the senate and one appointed by the minority leader of the senate.
3. The voting membership of the council shall be selected or appointed as follows:
a. The five professional or business entity members shall be selected by the entities specified under this paragraph “a”. The five professional or business entity members selected shall be the president, or the president’s representative, of the professional or business entity, or a member of the professional or business entity, designated by the entity.
(1) The Iowa medical society.
(2) The Iowa osteopathic medical association.
(3) The Iowa academy of family physicians.
(4) The Iowa chapter of the American academy of pediatrics.
(5) The Iowa physical therapy association.
(6) The Iowa dental association.
(7) The Iowa nurses association.
(8) The Iowa pharmacy association.
(9) The Iowa podiatric medical society.
(10) The Iowa optometric association.
(11) The Iowa association of community providers.
(12) The Iowa psychological association.
(13) The Iowa psychiatric society.
(14) The Iowa chapter of the national association of social workers.
(15) The coalition for family and children’s services in Iowa.
(16) The Iowa hospital association.
(17) The Iowa association of rural health clinics.
(18) The Iowa primary care association.
(19) Free clinics of Iowa.
(20) The opticians’ association of Iowa, inc.
(21) The Iowa association of hearing health professionals.
(22) The Iowa speech and hearing association.
(23) The Iowa health care association.
(24) The Iowa association of area agencies on aging.
(25) AARP.
(26) The Iowa caregivers association.
(27) Leading age Iowa.
(28) The Iowa association for home care.
(29) The Iowa council of health care centers.
(30) The Iowa physician assistant society.
(31) The Iowa association of nurse practitioners.
(32) The Iowa nurse practitioner society.
(33) The Iowa occupational therapy association.
(34) The ARC of Iowa, formerly known as the association for retarded citizens of Iowa.
(35) The national alliance on mental illness.
(36) The Iowa state association of counties.
(37) The Iowa developmental disabilities council.
(38) The Iowa chiropractic society.
(39) The Iowa academy of nutrition and dietetics.
(40) The Iowa behavioral health association.
(41) The midwest association for medical equipment services or an affiliated Iowa organization.
b. The five public members shall be public representatives which may include members of consumer groups, including recipients of medical assistance or their families, consumer organizations, and others, appointed by the governor for staggered terms of two years each, none of whom shall be members of, or practitioners of, or have a pecuniary interest in any of the professional or business entities specifically represented under paragraph “a”.
4. Based upon the deliberations of the council, the council shall make recommendations to the director regarding the budget, policy, and administration of the medical assistance program.
5. For each council meeting, other than those held during the time the general assembly is in session, each legislative member of the council shall be reimbursed for actual travel and other necessary expenses and shall receive a per diem as specified in section 7E.6 for each day in attendance, as shall the members of the council who are recipients or the family members of recipients of medical assistance, regardless of whether the general assembly is in session.
6. The department shall provide staff support and independent technical assistance to the council.
7. The director shall consider the recommendations offered by the council in the director’s preparation of medical assistance budget recommendations to the council on human services pursuant to section 217.3 and in implementation of medical assistance program policies.
2005 Acts, ch 120, §3; 2008 Acts, ch 1156, §36, 58; 2009 Acts, ch 23, §55; 2011 Acts, ch 129, §93, 156; 2012 Acts, ch 1023, §32; 2012 Acts, ch 1068, §1; 2013 Acts, ch 30, §48; 2016 Acts, ch 1139, §99; 2018 Acts, ch 1165, §130; 2019 Acts, ch 85, §91
Referred to in §217.3

Structure Iowa Code

Iowa Code



Section 249A.1 - Title.

Section 249A.2 - Definitions.

Section 249A.3 - Eligibility.

Section 249A.3A - Medical assistance — all income-eligible children.

Section 249A.4 - Duties of director.

Section 249A.4A - Garnishment.

Section 249A.4B - Medical assistance advisory council.

Section 249A.5 - Recovery of payment.

Section 249A.6 - Assignment — lien.

Section 249A.6A - Restitution.

Section 249A.7 - Fraudulent practices — investigations and audits — Medicaid fraud fund.

Section 249A.8 - Fraudulent practice.

Section 249A.11 - Payment for patient care segregated.

Section 249A.12 - Assistance to persons with an intellectual disability.

Section 249A.14 - County attorney to enforce.

Section 249A.15 - Licensed psychologists eligible for payment — provisional licensees.

Section 249A.15A - Licensed marital and family therapists, licensed master social workers, licensed mental health counselors, certified alcohol and drug counselors, licensed behavior analysts, and licensed assistant behavior analysts — temporary lice...

Section 249A.15B - Speech pathologists eligible for payment.

Section 249A.16 - New rates for services — effective date.

Section 249A.17 - Transitional medical assistance.

Section 249A.18 - Cost-based reimbursement — rural health clinics and federally qualified health centers.

Section 249A.18A - Resident assessment.

Section 249A.19 - Health care facilities — penalty.

Section 249A.20 - Noninstitutional health providers — reimbursement.

Section 249A.20A - Preferred drug list program.

Section 249A.20B - Nursing facility quality assurance assessment.

Section 249A.21 - Intermediate care facilities for persons with an intellectual disability — assessment.

Section 249A.24 - Iowa medical assistance drug utilization review commission — created.

Section 249A.25 - Enhanced mental health, mental retardation, and developmental disabilities services plan oversight committee.

Section 249A.26 - State and county participation in funding for services to persons with disabilities — case management.

Section 249A.26A - State and county participation in funding for rehabilitation services for persons with chronic mental illness.

Section 249A.27 - Indemnity for case management and disallowed costs.

Section 249A.29 - Home and community-based services waiver providers — records checks.

Section 249A.30 - Home and community-based services waiver — service provider reimbursement rate adjustments.

Section 249A.30A - Medical assistance — personal needs allowance.

Section 249A.31 - Reimbursement — targeted case management services — inpatient psychiatric services.

Section 249A.32 - Medical assistance home and community-based services waivers — consumer-directed attendant care — termination of contract.

Section 249A.32A - Home and community-based services waivers — limitations.

Section 249A.32B - Early and periodic screening, diagnosis, and treatment funding.

Section 249A.33 - Pharmaceutical settlement account — medical assistance program.

Section 249A.34 - Medical assistance crisis intervention team.

Section 249A.35 - Purchase of qualified long-term care insurance policy — computation under medical assistance program.

Section 249A.36 - Medical assistance quality improvement council.

Section 249A.37 - Health care information sharing.

Section 249A.38 - Inmates of public institutions — suspension of medical assistance.

Section 249A.39 - Reporting of overpayment.

Section 249A.40 - Involuntarily dissolved providers — overpayments or incorrect payments.

Section 249A.41 - Overpayment — interest.

Section 249A.42 - Overpayment — limitations periods.

Section 249A.43 - Provider overpayment — notice — judgment.

Section 249A.44 - Overpayment — emergency relief.

Section 249A.45 - Provider’s third-party submissions.

Section 249A.46 - Liability of other persons — repayment of claims.

Section 249A.47 - Improperly filed claims — other violations — imposition of monetary recovery and sanctions.

Section 249A.48 - Temporary moratoria.

Section 249A.49 - Internet site — providers found in violation of medical assistance program.

Section 249A.50 - Fraudulent practices — investigations and audits — Medicaid fraud fund.

Section 249A.51 - Fraudulent practice.

Section 249A.52 - Garnishment.

Section 249A.53 - Recovery of payment.

Section 249A.54 - Assignment — lien.

Section 249A.55 - Restitution.

Section 249A.56 - County attorney to enforce.

Section 249A.57 - Health care facilities — penalty.