Iowa Code
Section 237A.5 - Personnel.

237A.5 Personnel.
1. All personnel in licensed or registered facilities shall have good health as evidenced by a report following a preemployment physical examination taken within six months prior to beginning employment. The examination shall include communicable disease tests by a licensed physician as defined in section 135C.1 and shall be repeated every three years after initial employment. Controlled medical conditions which would not affect the performance of the employee in the capacity employed shall not prohibit employment.
2. a. For the purposes of this section, unless the context otherwise requires:
(1) “Person subject to a record check” means a person who is described by any of the following:
(a) The person is being considered for licensure or registration or is registered or licensed under this chapter.
(b) The person is being considered by a child care facility for employment involving direct responsibility for a child or with access to a child when the child is alone or is employed with such responsibilities.
(c) The person will reside or resides in a child care facility.
(d) The person has applied for or receives public funding for providing child care.
(e) The person will reside or resides in a child care home that is not registered under this chapter but that receives public funding for providing child care.
(2) “Person subject to an evaluation” means a person subject to a record check whose record indicates that the person has committed a transgression.
(3) “Transgression” means the existence of any of the following in a person’s record:
(a) Conviction of a crime.
(b) A record of having committed founded child or dependent adult abuse.
(c) Listing in the sex offender registry under chapter 692A.
(d) A record of having committed a public or civil offense.
(e) The department has revoked a child care facility registration or license due to the person’s continued or repeated failure to operate the child care facility in compliance with this chapter and rules adopted pursuant to this chapter.
b. If an individual person subject to a record check is being considered for employment by a child care facility or child care home provider, in lieu of requesting a record check in this state to be conducted by the department under paragraph “c”, the child care facility or child care home may access the single contact repository established pursuant to section 135C.33 as necessary to conduct a criminal and child abuse record check of the individual in this state. A copy of the results of the record check conducted through the single contact repository shall also be provided to the department. If the record check indicates the individual is a person subject to an evaluation, the child care facility or child care home may request that the department perform an evaluation as provided in this subsection. Otherwise, the individual shall not be employed by the child care facility or child care home.
c. Unless a record check has already been conducted in accordance with paragraph “b”, the department shall conduct a criminal and child abuse record check in this state for a person who is subject to a record check and may conduct such a check in other states. In addition, the department may conduct a dependent adult abuse, sex offender registry, or other public or civil offense record check in this state or in other states for a person who is subject to a record check.
d. (1) For a person subject to a record check, in addition to any other record check conducted pursuant to this subsection, the person’s fingerprints shall be provided to the department of public safety for submission through the state criminal history repository to the United States department of justice, federal bureau of investigation for a national criminal history check. The department may adopt rules specifying criteria in the public interest for requiring the national criminal history check of a person to be repeated.
(2) Except as otherwise provided by law, the cost of a national criminal history check conducted in accordance with subparagraph (1) and the state record checks conducted in accordance with paragraph “c” that are conducted in connection with a person’s involvement with a child care center are not the responsibility of the department. The department is responsible for the cost of such checks conducted in connection with a person’s involvement with a child development home or child care home.
(3) If record checks under paragraph “b” or “c” have been conducted on a person subject to a record check and the results do not warrant prohibition of the person’s involvement with child care or otherwise present protective concerns, the person may be involved with child care on a provisional basis until the record check under subparagraph (1) has been completed.
(4) If a person subject to a record check refuses to consent to a record check or if the person makes what the person knows to be a false statement of material fact in connection with a record check, the person shall be prohibited from involvement with child care.
e. (1) If a record check performed pursuant to this subsection identifies an individual as a person subject to an evaluation, an evaluation shall be performed to determine whether prohibition of the person’s involvement with child care is warranted. The evaluation shall be performed in accordance with procedures adopted for this purpose by the department.
(2) Prior to performing an evaluation, the department shall notify the affected person, licensee, registrant, or child care home applying for or receiving public funding for providing child care, that an evaluation will be conducted to determine whether prohibition of the person’s involvement with child care is warranted.
f. If a record check performed in accordance with paragraph “b” or “c” identifies that an individual is a person subject to an evaluation, the department shall perform the evaluation in accordance with this subsection, even if the application which made the person subject to the record check is withdrawn or the circumstances which made the person subject to the record check are no longer applicable. If the department’s evaluation determines that prohibition of the person’s involvement with child care is warranted, the provisions of this subsection regarding such a prohibition shall apply.
g. A person subject to a record check who is or was employed by a child care facility or child care home provider and is hired by another child care facility or child care home provider shall be subject to a record check in accordance with this subsection. However, if the person was subject to an evaluation because of a transgression in the person’s record and the evaluation determined that the transgression did not warrant prohibition of the person’s involvement with child care and the latest record checks do not indicate there is a transgression that was committed subsequent to that evaluation, the person may commence employment with the other child care facility or provider in accordance with the department’s evaluation and an exemption from any requirements for reevaluation of the latest record checks is authorized. Authorization of an exemption under this paragraph “g” from requirements for reevaluation of the latest record checks by the department is subject to all of the following provisions:
(1) The position with the subsequent employer is substantially the same or has the same job responsibilities as the position for which the previous evaluation was performed.
(2) Any restrictions placed on the person’s employment in the previous evaluation by the department shall remain applicable in the person’s subsequent employment.
(3) The person subject to the record checks has maintained a copy of the previous evaluation and provides the evaluation to the subsequent employer or the previous employer provides the previous evaluation from the person’s personnel file pursuant to the person’s authorization. If a physical copy of the previous evaluation is not provided to the subsequent employer, the record checks shall be reevaluated.
(4) Although an exemption under this paragraph “g” may be authorized, the subsequent employer may instead request a reevaluation of the record checks and may employ the person while the reevaluation is being performed.
h. In an evaluation, the department shall consider the nature and seriousness of the transgression in relation to the position sought or held, the time elapsed since the commission of the transgression, the circumstances under which the transgression was committed, the degree of rehabilitation, the likelihood that the person will commit the transgression again, and the number of transgressions committed by the person involved. In addition to record check information, the department may utilize information from the department’s case records in performing the evaluation. The department may permit a person who is evaluated to maintain involvement with child care, if the person complies with the department’s conditions and corrective action plan relating to the person’s involvement with child care. The department has final authority in determining whether prohibition of the person’s involvement with child care is warranted and in developing any conditional requirements and corrective action plan under this paragraph.
i. (1) A person subject to an evaluation shall be prohibited from involvement with child care under any of the following circumstances:
(a) The person has a record of founded child abuse or dependent adult abuse that was determined to be sexual abuse.
(b) The person is listed or is required to be listed on any state sex offender registry or the national sex offender registry.
(c) The person has committed any of the following felony-level offenses:
(i) Child endangerment or neglect or abandonment of a dependent person.
(ii) Domestic abuse.
(iii) A crime against a child including but not limited to sexual exploitation of a minor.
(iv) A forcible felony.
(v) Arson.
(d) The person has a record of a misdemeanor conviction against a child that constitutes one of the following offenses:
(i) Child abuse.
(ii) Child endangerment.
(iii) Sexual assault.
(iv) Child pornography.
(2) If, within five years prior to the date of application for registration or licensure under this chapter, for employment or residence in a child care facility or child care home, or for receipt of public funding for providing child care, a person subject to an evaluation has been convicted of a controlled substance offense or has been found to have committed physical abuse, the person shall be prohibited from involvement with child care for a period of five years from the date of conviction or founded abuse. After the five-year prohibition period, the person may submit an application for registration or licensure under this chapter, or to receive public funding for providing child care, or may request an evaluation, and the department shall perform an evaluation and, based upon the criteria in paragraph “h”, shall determine whether prohibition of the person’s involvement with child care continues to be warranted.
j. If the department determines, through an evaluation of a person’s transgression, that the person’s prohibition of involvement with child care is warranted, the person shall be prohibited from involvement with child care. The department may identify a period of time after which the person may request that another record check and evaluation be performed. A person who continues involvement with child care in violation of this subsection is subject to penalty under section 237A.19 or injunction under section 237A.20.
k. If it has been determined that a child receiving child care from a child care facility or a child care home is the victim of founded child abuse committed by an employee, license or registration holder, child care home provider, or resident of the child care facility or child care home for which a report is placed in the central registry pursuant to section 232.71D, the administrator shall provide notification at the time of the determination to the parents, guardians, and custodians of children receiving care from the child care facility or child care home. A notification made under this paragraph shall identify the type of abuse but shall not identify the victim or perpetrator or circumstances of the founded abuse.
3. On or after July 1, 1994, a licensee or registrant shall inform all new applicants for employment of the possibility of the performance of a record check and shall obtain, from the applicant, a signed acknowledgment of the receipt of the information.
4. On or after July 1, 1994, a licensee or registrant shall include the following inquiry in an application for employment:
Do you have a record of founded child or dependent adult abuse or have you ever been convicted of a crime, in this state or any other state?
5. A person who serves as an unpaid volunteer in a child care facility shall not be required to complete training as a mandatory reporter of child abuse under section 232.69 or under any other requirement.
[C75, 77, 79, 81, §237A.5]
83 Acts, ch 153, §5; 85 Acts, ch 184, §1; 87 Acts, ch 153, §17; 88 Acts, ch 1134, §58; 90 Acts, ch 1221, §8; 91 Acts, ch 138, §8; 94 Acts, ch 1130, §15; 97 Acts, ch 45, §1; 98 Acts, ch 1127, §3, 6; 99 Acts, ch 192, §13; 2003 Acts, ch 81, §5, 6; 2006 Acts, ch 1098, §1; 2006 Acts, ch 1184, §108 – 111; 2008 Acts, ch 1187, §121; 2009 Acts, ch 41, §99; 2009 Acts, ch 179, §209; 2010 Acts, ch 1042, §1; 2012 Acts, ch 1074, §2; 2018 Acts, ch 1113, §2, 3; 2019 Acts, ch 59, §73
Referred to in §237A.19