236.1 Short title.
This chapter may be cited as the “Domestic Abuse Act”.
[C81, §236.1]
Structure Iowa Code
Section 236.3 - Commencement of actions — waiver to juvenile court.
Section 236.3A - Plaintiffs proceeding pro se — provision of forms and assistance.
Section 236.3B - Assistance by county attorney.
Section 236.4 - Hearings — temporary orders.
Section 236.6 - Emergency orders.
Section 236.8 - Violation of order — contempt — penalties — hearings.
Section 236.9 - Domestic abuse information.
Section 236.10 - Plaintiff’s address — confidentiality of records.
Section 236.11 - Duties of peace officer — magistrate.
Section 236.12 - Prevention of further abuse — notification of rights — arrest — liability.
Section 236.13 - Prohibition against referral.
Section 236.15A - Income tax checkoff for domestic abuse services.
Section 236.15B - Income tax checkoff for domestic abuse services.
Section 236.16 - Department powers and duties.
Section 236.17 - Domestic abuse training requirements.
Section 236.18 - Reference to certain criminal provisions.
Section 236.19 - Foreign protective orders — registration — enforcement — immunity.
Section 236.20 - Mutual protective orders prohibited — exceptions.