15.108 Primary responsibilities.
The authority has the following areas of primary responsibility:
1. Finance. To provide for financial assistance to businesses, local governments, and educational institutions through loans and grants of state and federal funds to enable them to promote and achieve economic development within the state. To carry out this responsibility, the authority shall:
a. Expend federal funds received as community development block grants as provided in section 8.41.
b. Provide staff assistance to the corporation formed under authority of sections 15E.11 through 15E.16 to receive and disburse funds to further the overall development and well-being of the state.
2. Marketing. To coordinate, develop, and make available technical services on the state and local levels in order to aid businesses in their start-up or expansion in the state. To carry out this responsibility, the authority shall:
a. Establish within the authority a federal procurement office staffed with individuals experienced in marketing to federal agencies.
b. Aid in the marketing and promotion of Iowa products and services. The authority may adopt, subject to the approval of the board, a label or trademark identifying Iowa products and services together with any other appropriate design or inscription and this label or trademark shall be registered in the office of the secretary of state. In authorizing the use of a marketing label or trademark to an applicant, the state, and any state agency, official, or employee involved in the authorization, is immune from a civil suit for damages, including but not limited to a suit based on contract, breach of warranty, negligence, strict liability, or tort. Authorization of the use of a marketing label or trademark by the state, or any state agency, official, or employee, is not an express or implied guarantee or warranty concerning the safety, fitness, merchantability, or use of the applicant’s product or service. This paragraph does not create a duty of care to the applicant or any other person.
(1) The authority may register or file the label or trademark under the laws of the United States or any foreign country which permits registration, making the registration as an association or through an individual for the use and benefit of the authority.
(2) The authority shall establish guidelines for granting authority to use the label or trademark to persons or firms who make a satisfactory showing to the authority that the product or service meets the guidelines as manufactured, processed, or originating in Iowa. The trademark or label use shall be registered with the authority.
(3) A person shall not use the label or trademark or advertise it, or attach it on any promotional literature, manufactured article or agricultural product without the approval of the authority.
(4) The authority may deny permission to use the label or trademark if the authority believes that the planned use would adversely affect the use of the label or trademark as a marketing tool for Iowa products or its use would be inconsistent with the marketing objectives of the authority. Notwithstanding chapter 17A, the Iowa administrative procedure Act, the authority may suspend permission to use the label or trademark prior to an evidentiary hearing which shall be held within a reasonable period of time following the denial.
c. Promote an import substitution program to encourage the purchase of domestically produced Iowa goods by identifying and inventorying potential purchasers and the firms that can supply them, contacting the suppliers to determine their interest and ability in meeting the potential demand, and making the buyers aware of the potential suppliers.
d. Aid in the promotion and development of the agricultural processing industry in the state.
3. Local government and service coordination. To coordinate the development of state and local government economic development-related programs in order to promote efficient and economic use of federal, state, local, and private resources.
a. To carry out this responsibility, the authority shall:
(1) Provide the mechanisms to promote and facilitate the coordination of management and technical assistance services to Iowa businesses and industries and to communities by the authority, by the community colleges, and by the state board of regents institutions, including the small business development centers, the center for industrial research and service, and extension activities. In order to achieve this goal, the authority may establish periodic meetings with representatives from the community colleges and the state board of regents institutions to develop this coordination. The community colleges and the state board of regents institutions shall cooperate with the authority in seeking to avoid duplication of economic development services through greater coordinating efforts in the utilization of space, personnel, and materials and in the development of referral and outreach networks. The authority shall also establish a registry of applications for federal funds related to management and technical assistance programs.
(2) Provide office space and staff assistance to the city development board as provided in section 368.9.
(3) Provide technical and financial assistance to local and regional government organizations in Iowa, analyze intergovernmental relations in Iowa, and recommend policies to state agencies, local governments, the governor, and the general assembly as these pertain to economic development.
(4) Train field experts in local development and through them provide continuing support to small local organizations.
(5) Encourage cities, counties, local and regional government organizations, and local and regional economic development organizations to develop and implement comprehensive community and economic development plans. In evaluating financial assistance applications, the authority shall award supplementary credit to applications submitted by cities, counties, local and regional government organizations, and local and regional economic development organizations that have developed a comprehensive community and economic development plan.
b. In addition to the duties specified in paragraph “a”, the authority may:
(1) Perform state and interstate comprehensive planning and related activities.
(2) Perform planning for metropolitan or regional areas or areas of rapid urbanization including interstate areas.
(3) Provide planning assistance to cities, counties, local and regional government organizations, and local and regional economic development organizations. Subject to the availability of funds for this purpose, the authority may provide financial assistance to cities, counties, local and regional government organizations, and local and regional economic development organizations for the purpose of developing community and economic development plans.
(4) Assist public or private universities and colleges and urban centers to:
(a) Organize, initiate, develop, and expand programs which will provide special training in skills needed for economic and efficient community development.
(b) Support state and local research that is needed in connection with community development.
4. Exporting. To promote and aid in the marketing and sale of Iowa industrial and agricultural products and services outside of the state. To carry out this responsibility, the authority shall:
a. Perform the duties and activities specified for the agricultural marketing program under sections 15.201 and 15.202.
b. To the extent deemed feasible and in coordination with the board of regents and the area community colleges, work to establish a conversational foreign language training program.
c. To the extent deemed feasible, promote and assist in the creation of one or more international currency and barter exchanges.
d. Seek assistance and advice from the export advisory board appointed by the governor and the Iowa district export council which advises the United States department of commerce. The governor is authorized to appoint an export advisory board.
e. To the extent deemed feasible, develop a program in which graduates of Iowa institutions of higher education or former residents of the state who are residing in foreign countries and who are familiar with the language and customs of those countries are utilized as cultural advisors for the authority and for Iowa businesses participating in trade missions and other foreign trade activities, and in which foreign students studying at Iowa institutions of higher education are provided means to establish contact with Iowa businesses engaged in export activities, and in which foreign students returning to their home countries are used as contacts for trading purposes.
5. Tourism. To promote Iowa’s public and private recreation and tourism opportunities to Iowans and out-of-state visitors and aid promotional and development efforts by local governments and the private sector. To carry out this responsibility, the authority shall:
a. Build general public consensus and support for Iowa’s public and private recreation, tourism, and leisure opportunities and needs.
b. Recommend high quality site management and maintenance standards for all public and private recreation and tourism opportunities.
c. Coordinate and develop with the department of transportation, the department of natural resources, the department of cultural affairs, the enhance Iowa board, other state agencies, and local and regional entities public interpretation, marketing, and education programs that encourage Iowans and out-of-state visitors to participate in the recreational and leisure opportunities available in Iowa. The authority shall establish and administer a program that helps connect both Iowa residents and residents of other states to new and existing Iowa experiences as a means to enhance the economic, social, and cultural well-being of the state. The program shall include a broad range of new opportunities, both rural and urban, including main street destinations, green space initiatives, and artistic and cultural attractions.
d. Coordinate with other divisions of the authority to add Iowa’s recreation, tourism, and leisure resources to the agricultural and other images which characterize the state on a national level.
e. Consolidate and coordinate the many existing sources of information about local, regional, statewide, and national opportunities into a comprehensive, state-of-the-art information delivery system for Iowans and out-of-state visitors.
f. Formulate and direct marketing and promotion programs to specific out-of-state market populations exhibiting the highest potential for consuming Iowa’s public and private tourism products.
g. Provide ongoing long-range planning on a statewide basis for improvements in Iowa’s public and private tourism opportunities.
h. Provide the private sector and local communities with advisory services including analysis of existing resources and deficiencies, general development and financial planning, marketing guidance, hospitality training, and others.
i. Measure the change in public opinion of Iowans regarding the importance of recreation, tourism, and leisure.
j. Provide annual monitoring of tourism visitation by Iowans and out-of-state visitors to Iowa attractions, public and private employment levels, and other economic indicators of the recreation and tourism industry and report predictable trends.
k. Identify new business investment opportunities for private enterprise in the recreation and tourism industry.
l. Cooperate with and seek assistance from the state department of cultural affairs.
m. Seek coordination with and assistance from the state department of natural resources in regard to the Mississippi river parkway under chapter 308 for the purposes of furthering tourism efforts.
n. Collect, assemble, and publish a list of farmers who have agreed to host overnight guests, for purposes of promoting agriculture in the state and farm tourism, to the extent that funds are available.
o. Establish a revolving fund to receive contributions to be used for cooperative advertising efforts. Fees and royalties obtained as a result of licensing the use of logos and other creative materials for sale by private vendors on selected products may be deposited in the fund. The authority shall adopt by rule a schedule for fees and royalties to be charged.
p. Establish, if the authority deems necessary, a revolving fund to receive contributions and funds from the product sales center to be used for start-up or expansion of tourism special events, fairs, and festivals as established by authority rule.
6. Employee training and retraining. To develop employee training and retraining strategies in coordination with the department of education and department of workforce development as tools for business development, business expansion, and enhanced competitiveness of Iowa industry, which will promote economic growth and the creation of new job opportunities and to administer related programs. To carry out this responsibility, the authority shall:
a. Coordinate and perform the duties specified under the Iowa industrial new jobs training Act in chapter 260E, the Iowa jobs training Act in chapter 260F, and the workforce development fund in section 15.341.
b. In performing the duties set out in paragraph “a”, the authority shall:
(1) Work closely with representatives of business and industry, labor organizations, the department of education, the department of workforce development, and educational institutions to determine the employee training needs of Iowa employers, and where possible, provide for the development of industry-specific training programs.
(2) Promote Iowa employee training programs to potential and existing Iowa employers and to employer associations.
(3) Stimulate the creation of innovative employee training and skills development activities, including business consortium and supplier network training programs, and new employee development training models.
(4) Coordinate employee training activities with other economic development finance programs to stimulate job growth.
(5) Review workforce development initiatives as they relate to the state’s economic development agenda, recommending action as necessary to meet the needs of Iowa’s communities and businesses.
(6) Incorporate workforce development as a component of community-based economic development activities.
7. Small business. To provide assistance to small business, targeted small business, microenterprises, and entrepreneurs creating small businesses to ensure continued viability and growth. To carry out this responsibility, the authority shall:
a. Receive and review complaints from individual small businesses that relate to rules or decisions of state agencies, and refer questions and complaints to a governmental agency where appropriate.
b. Establish and administer the regulatory information service provided for in section 15E.17.
c. Aid for the development and implementation of the Iowa targeted small business procurement Act established in sections 73.15 through 73.21.
(1) (a) By December 1 of each year, the department of administrative services shall file a written report with the economic development authority regarding the Iowa targeted small business procurement Act activities during the previous fiscal year. At a minimum, the report shall include a summary of all activities undertaken by the department of administrative services in an effort to maximize the utilization of the targeted small business procurement Act.
(b) By December 1 of each year, the targeted small business marketing and compliance manager of the economic development authority shall compile a list of the procurement goals established pursuant to section 73.16, subsection 2, and the performance of each agency in meeting the goals. The compilation of the performance of each agency shall be based upon the reports required to be filed under section 73.16, subsection 2.
(c) By January 15 of each year, the economic development authority shall submit to the governor and the general assembly a compilation of reports required under this subparagraph.
(2) The director, with cooperation from the other state agencies, shall publicize the procurement goal program established in sections 73.15 through 73.21 to targeted small businesses and to agencies of state government, attempt to locate targeted small businesses able to perform contracts, and encourage program participation. The director may request the cooperation of the department of administrative services, the state department of transportation, the state board of regents, or any other agency of state government in publicizing this program.
(3) When the director determines, or is notified by the head of another agency of state government, that a targeted small business is unable to perform a procurement contract, the director shall assist the small business in attempting to remedy the causes of the inability to perform. In assisting the small business, the director may use any management or financial assistance programs available through state or governmental agencies or private sources.
d. (1) Establish standards and procedures, by rule, for certifying that targeted small businesses are eligible to participate in the procurement program established in sections 73.15 through 73.21 and are eligible for financial and technical assistance provided for under this subsection. The rules for certifying eligibility adopted pursuant to this paragraph shall not recognize self-certification by a business. The authority may also establish, by rule, the appropriate level of public access to differing classes of electronic records and other records under the procurement program to ensure the confidentiality of any records that are required by law to be confidential.
(2) Maintain a current directory of targeted small businesses certified pursuant to this paragraph. The authority shall also provide information to the department of administrative services necessary for the identification of targeted small businesses under section 8A.111, subsection 6.
e. If determined necessary by the board, provide training for bank loan officers to increase their level of expertise in regard to business loans.
f. To the extent feasible, cooperate with the department of workforce development to establish a program to educate existing employers and new or potential employers on the rates and workings of the state unemployment compensation program and the state workers’ compensation program.
g. Study the feasibility of reducing the total number of state licenses, permits, and certificates required to conduct small businesses.
h. Encourage and assist small businesses, including small businesses owned and operated by disabled veterans, to obtain state contracts and subcontracts by cooperating with the directors of purchasing in the department of administrative services, the state board of regents, and the state department of transportation in performing the following functions:
(1) Developing a uniform small business vendor application form which can be adopted by all agencies and departments of state government to identify small businesses and targeted small businesses which desire to sell goods and services to the state. This form shall also contain information which can be used to determine certification as a targeted small business pursuant to paragraph “d”.
(2) Compiling and maintaining a comprehensive source list of small businesses.
(3) Assuring that responsible small businesses are solicited on each suitable purchase.
(4) Assisting small businesses in complying with the procedures for bidding and negotiating for contracts.
(5) Simplifying procurement specifications and terms in order to increase the opportunities for small business participation.
(6) When economically feasible, dividing total purchases into tasks or quantities to permit maximum small business participation.
(7) Preparing timely forecasts of repetitive contracting requirements by dollar volume and types of contracts to enhance the participation of responsible small businesses in the public purchasing process.
(8) Developing a mechanism to measure and monitor the amount of participation by small businesses in state procurement.
8. Case management. To provide case management assistance to low-income persons for the purpose of establishing or expanding small business ventures as provided in section 15.246.
9. Miscellaneous. To provide other necessary services, the authority shall:
a. Collect and assemble, or cause to have collected and assembled, all pertinent information available regarding the industrial, agricultural, and public and private recreation and tourism opportunities and possibilities of the state of Iowa, including raw materials and products that may be produced from them; power and water resources; transportation facilities; available markets; the banking and financing facilities; the availability of industrial sites; the advantages of the state as a whole, and the particular sections of the state, as industrial locations; the development of a grain alcohol motor fuel industry and its related products; and other fields of research and study as the board deems necessary. This information, as far as possible, shall consider both the encouragement of new industrial enterprises in the state and the expansion of industries now existing within the state, and allied fields to those industries. The information shall also consider the changing composition of the Iowa family and the level of poverty among different age groups and different family structures in Iowa society and their impact on Iowa families.
b. Apply for, receive, contract for, and expend federal funds and grants and funds and grants from other sources.
c. Except as otherwise provided in sections 8A.110, 260C.14, and 262.9, provide that an inventor whose research is funded in whole or in part by the state shall assign to the state a proportionate part of the inventor’s rights to a letter patent resulting from that research. Royalties or earnings derived from a letter patent shall be paid to the treasurer of state and credited by the treasurer to the general fund of the state. However, the authority in conjunction with other state agencies, including the board of regents, shall provide incentives to inventors whose research is funded in whole or in part by the state for having their products produced in the state. These incentives may include taking a smaller portion of the inventor’s royalties or earnings than would otherwise occur under this paragraph or other provisions of the law.
d. Administer or oversee federal rural economic development programs in the state.
e. At the director’s discretion, accept payment by credit card of any fees, interest, penalties, subscriptions, registrations, purchases, or other payments, or any portion of such payments, which are due or collected by the authority. The authority may adjust the amount of the payment to reflect the costs of processing the payment as determined by the treasurer of state and the payment by credit card shall include, in addition to all other charges, any discount charged by the credit card issuer.
f. Provide technical assistance to individuals who are pursuing the purchase and operation of employee-owned businesses.
g. Administer the Iowa energy center established in section 15.120. This paragraph “g” is repealed July 1, 2022.
10. Economic development planning and research activities. To provide leadership and support for economic and community development activities statewide. To carry out this responsibility, the authority may establish a research center for economic development programs and services whose duties may include but are not limited to the following:
a. Implementation of a comprehensive statewide economic development planning process and provision of leadership, coordination, and support to regional and local economic and community planning efforts.
b. Coordination of the delivery of economic and community development programs with other local, regional, state, federal, and private sector programs and activities.
c. Collection and analysis of data and information, development of databases and performing research to keep abreast of Iowa’s present economic base, changing market demands, and emerging trends, including identification of targeted markets and development of marketing strategies.
d. Provision of access to databases to facilitate sales and exports by Iowa businesses.
e. Establishment of a database of community and economic information to aid local, regional, and statewide economic development and service delivery efforts.
11. Housing development.
a. To provide assistance to local governments, housing organizations, economic development groups, and other local entities to increase the development of housing in the state and to improve the quality of existing housing in order to maximize the effects of other economic development efforts.
b. To carry out this responsibility, the authority shall:
(1) Provide housing needs assessments.
(2) Provide a one-stop source, in coordination with other agencies of the state, for housing development assistance.
(3) Establish programs which assist communities or local entities in developing housing to meet a range of community needs, including programs to assist homeless shelter operations and programs to assist in the development of housing to enhance economic development opportunities in the community.
86 Acts, ch 1142, §1; 86 Acts, ch 1238, §44; 86 Acts, ch 1245, §808; 87 Acts, ch 101, §2; 87 Acts, ch 106, §1; 88 Acts, ch 1098, §1; 88 Acts, ch 1273, §6 – 8; 89 Acts, ch 196, §1; 89 Acts, ch 209, §1; 89 Acts, ch 258, §12; 90 Acts, ch 1047, §1; 90 Acts, ch 1140, §1; 90 Acts, ch 1156, §3; 90 Acts, ch 1255, §2; 91 Acts, ch 28, §1; 91 Acts, ch 109, §1; 92 Acts, ch 1089, §1; 92 Acts, ch 1244, §11; 93 Acts, ch 167, §9; 93 Acts, ch 180, §34, 35; 94 Acts, ch 1023, §4; 94 Acts, ch 1199, §16; 96 Acts, ch 1186, §1 – 4, 23; 97 Acts, ch 15, §1, 2; 97 Acts, ch 214, §1; 98 Acts, ch 1175, §1, 2; 99 Acts, ch 197, §20, 23; 2001 Acts, ch 61, §2 – 5; 2003 Acts, ch 44, §9; 2003 Acts, ch 71, §1; 2003 Acts, ch 145, §138, 286
; 2003 Acts, 1st Ex, ch 1, §76, 133
[2003 Acts, 1st Ex, ch 1, §76, 133, amendment adding new paragraph g to subsection 9, stricken pursuant to Rants v. Vilsack, 684 N.W.2d 193]
2006 Acts, ch 1100, §1; 2007 Acts, ch 126, §5; 2007 Acts, ch 207, §6, 18; 2008 Acts, ch 1122, §4, 7 – 9; 2008 Acts, ch 1178, §2; 2010 Acts, ch 1031, §261; 2010 Acts, ch 1049, §1; 2011 Acts, ch 118, §85, 89; 2011 Acts, ch 122, §11, 14; 2013 Acts, ch 13, §3 – 5; 2016 Acts, ch 1115, §15; 2017 Acts, ch 160, §7 – 9; 2017 Acts, ch 169, §34, 49; 2021 Acts, ch 80, §6
Referred to in §8A.111, 19B.7, 73.16, 455B.199B
Subsection 1, paragraph b amended
Structure Iowa Code
Section 15.101 - Findings and purpose — collaboration described.
Section 15.103 - Economic development board.
Section 15.104 - Duties of the board.
Section 15.105 - Economic development authority.
Section 15.106 - Conflicts of interest.
Section 15.106A - General powers of the authority — legislative findings.
Section 15.106B - Specific program powers — fees.
Section 15.106C - Director — responsibilities.
Section 15.106D - Private activity bonds and notes.
Section 15.106E - Review of authority operations.
Section 15.107 - Bioscience development corporation.
Section 15.107A - Duties and responsibilities of the corporation.
Section 15.107B - Annual reporting requirements.
Section 15.107C - Oversight of corporation.
Section 15.108 - Primary responsibilities.
Section 15.109 - Additional duties.
Section 15.110 - Restrictions relating to councils of governments.
Section 15.111 - Rural development coordination.
Section 15.112 - Farmworks matching funds.
Section 15.113 - Tax lien and delinquency search requirement.
Section 15.114 - Microenterprise development advisory committee.
Section 15.115 - Technology commercialization specialist.
Section 15.116 - Technology commercialization committee.
Section 15.117 - Chief technology officer.
Section 15.117A - Iowa innovation council.
Section 15.118 - Confidentiality of information in financial assistance applications.
Section 15.119 - Aggregate tax credit limit for certain economic development programs.
Section 15.120 - The Iowa energy center.
Section 15.201 - Agricultural marketing program.
Section 15.202 - Grants and gifts.
Section 15.203 - Agricultural products advisory council — duties.
Section 15.204 - Value-added agricultural linked investment loan program — eligibility requirements.
Section 15.231 - Community catalyst building remediation program — fund.
Section 15.240 - Community microenterprise development organization grant program.
Section 15.241 - Iowa “self-employment loan program”.
Section 15.246 - Case management program.
Section 15.247 - Targeted small business financial assistance program.
Section 15.251 - Industrial new job training program certificates — fee.
Section 15.261 - Vacant state buildings demolition fund.
Section 15.262 - Vacant state buildings rehabilitation fund.
Section 15.269 - Cogeneration pilot program.
Section 15.271 - Statement of purpose — intent.
Section 15.272 - Statewide welcome center program.
Section 15.273 - Cooperative tourism program.
Section 15.292 - Brownfield redevelopment program.
Section 15.293 - Brownfield redevelopment fund.
Section 15.293A - Redevelopment tax credits.
Section 15.293B - Application — registration — agreement.
Section 15.294 - Brownfield redevelopment advisory council.
Section 15.300 - Findings and intent.
Section 15.301 - Save our small businesses fund and program.
Section 15.313 - Strategic infrastructure program — fund.
Section 15.317 - Eligibility requirements.
Section 15.318 - Eligible business application and agreement — maximum tax credits.
Section 15.319 - Renewable chemical production tax credit.
Section 15.320 - Reports to general assembly.
Section 15.322 - Future repeal.
Section 15.325 - Negotiations — state and local officials — restrictions.
Section 15.329 - Eligible business.
Section 15.330A - Maintenance of agreements.
Section 15.331 - New jobs credit from withholding.
Section 15.331A - Sales and use tax refund.
Section 15.331B - Exemption from land ownership restrictions for nonresident aliens.
Section 15.331C - Third-party developer tax credit.
Section 15.332 - Value-added property tax exemption.
Section 15.333 - Investment tax credit.
Section 15.333A - Insurance premium tax credits.
Section 15.334 - Exemption from taxation for machinery, equipment, and computers.
Section 15.334A - Sales and use tax exemption.
Section 15.335 - Research activities credit.
Section 15.335A - Tax incentives.
Section 15.335B - Assistance for certain programs and projects.
Section 15.336 - Other incentives.
Section 15.337 - Waiver of program qualification requirements.
Section 15.338 - Nuisance property remediation assistance — fund.
Section 15.341 - Workforce development fund program.
Section 15.342A - Workforce development fund account.
Section 15.343 - Workforce development fund.
Section 15.344 - Common system — assessment and tracking.
Section 15.349 - Shelter assistance fund.
Section 15.353 - Housing project requirements.
Section 15.354 - Housing project application and agreement.
Section 15.355 - Workforce housing tax incentives.
Section 15.368 - World food prize award and support.
Section 15.371 - Manufacturing 4.0 technology investment program.
Section 15.401 - Renewable fuels.
Section 15.412 - Innovation and commercialization development fund.