148G.6 Licensing requirements.
1. Beginning January 1, 2017, a person seeking licensure as a respiratory care and polysomnography practitioner or as a polysomnographic technologist shall apply to the board and pay the fees established by the board for the type of license for which the applicant is applying. Beginning with the March 31, 2016, license renewal period, a person licensed as a respiratory care practitioner who seeks a respiratory care and polysomnography practitioner license shall make such application with the application for license renewal and pay the fees established by the board. The fees established by the board for a respiratory care and polysomnography practitioner license shall not exceed one hundred twenty percent of the cost of a respiratory care practitioner license issued pursuant to chapter 152B or a polysomnographic technologist license issued pursuant to this section. The application for a respiratory care and polysomnography practitioner license must meet the requirements of this section. Upon receipt of an application, the board shall conduct a background check of the applicant. An application for either type of licensure shall show that the applicant is of good moral character and is at least eighteen years of age, and shall include proof that the person has satisfied one of the following educational requirements:
a. Graduation from a polysomnographic educational program that is accredited by the committee on accreditation for polysomnographic technologist education or an equivalent program as determined by the board.
b. Graduation from a respiratory care educational program that is accredited by the commission on accreditation for respiratory care or by a committee on accreditation for the commission on accreditation of allied health education programs, and any of the following:
(1) Completion of the curriculum for a polysomnographic certificate established and accredited by the commission on accreditation of allied health education programs as an extension of the respiratory care program.
(2) Obtaining the sleep disorder specialist credential from the national board for respiratory care.
(3) Obtaining the registered polysomnographic technologist credential from the board of registered polysomnographic technologists.
(4) Completing or obtaining any other certificate or credential program as recognized by the board.
c. Graduation from an electroneurodiagnostic technologist educational program that is accredited by the committee on accreditation for education in electroneurodiagnostic technology or by a committee on accreditation for the commission on accreditation of allied health education programs, and completion of the curriculum for a polysomnographic certificate established and accredited by the commission on accreditation of allied health education programs as an extension of the electroneurodiagnostic educational program or an equivalent program as determined by the board.
2. Notwithstanding subsection 1, beginning January 1, 2017, the board shall issue a license to perform polysomnography to an individual who holds an active license under section 147.2 in a profession other than polysomnography and who is in good standing with the board for that profession upon application to the board demonstrating any of the following:
a. Successful completion of an educational program in polysomnography approved by the board.
b. Successful completion of an examination in polysomnography approved by the board.
c. Verification from the medical director of the individual’s current employer or the medical director’s designee that the individual has completed on-the-job training in the field of polysomnography, along with written verification from the medical director of the individual’s current employer or the medical director’s designee that the individual is competent to perform polysomnography.
3. Notwithstanding subsection 1, beginning January 1, 2017, a person who is working in the field of sleep medicine on January 1, 2017, may apply to the board for a license to perform polysomnography. The board shall issue a license to the person, without examination, provided the application contains verification that the person has completed five hundred hours of paid clinical or nonclinical polysomnographic work experience within the three years prior to submission of the application. The application shall also contain verification from the medical director of the person’s current employer or the medical director’s designee that the person is competent to perform polysomnography.
4. A person who is working in the field of sleep medicine on January 1, 2017, who is not otherwise eligible to obtain a license pursuant to this section shall have until January 1, 2018, to achieve a passing score on an examination as designated by the board. The board shall allow the person to attempt the examination and be awarded a license as a polysomnographic technologist by meeting or exceeding the passing point established by the board. After January 1, 2018, only persons licensed as respiratory care and polysomnography practitioners or as polysomnographic technologists pursuant to this chapter, or excepted from the requirements of this chapter may perform sleep-related services.
5. The fees assessed by the board shall be sufficient to cover all costs associated with the administration of this chapter.
2015 Acts, ch 70, §12
Structure Iowa Code