Iowa Code
Section 141A.7 - Test results — counseling — application for services.

141A.7 Test results — counseling — application for services.
1. At any time that the subject of an HIV-related test is informed of confirmed positive test results, counseling concerning the emotional and physical health effects shall be initiated. Particular attention shall be given to explaining the need for the precautions necessary to avoid transmitting the virus. The subject shall be given information concerning additional counseling. If the legal guardian of the subject of the test provides consent to the test pursuant to section 141A.6, the provisions of this subsection shall apply to the legal guardian.
2. Notwithstanding subsection 1, the provisions of this section do not apply to any of the following:
a. The performance by a health care provider or health facility of an HIV-related test when the health care provider or health facility procures, processes, distributes, or uses a human body part donated for a purpose specified under the revised uniform anatomical gift Act as provided in chapter 142C, or semen provided prior to July 1, 1988, for the purpose of artificial insemination, or donations of blood, and such test is necessary to ensure medical acceptability of such gift or semen for the purposes intended.
b. A person engaged in the business of insurance who is subject to section 505.16.
c. The performance by a health care provider or health facility of an HIV-related test when the subject of the test is deceased and a documented significant exposure has occurred.
d. The performance by a health care provider or health facility of an HIV-related test when the subject of the test is unable to provide consent and the health care provider or health care facility provides consent for the patient pursuant to section 141A.6.
3. A person may apply for voluntary treatment, contraceptive services, or screening or treatment for HIV infection and other sexually transmitted diseases directly to a licensed physician and surgeon, an osteopathic physician and surgeon, or a family planning clinic. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, however, a minor shall be informed prior to testing that, upon confirmation according to prevailing medical technology of a positive HIV-related test result, the minor’s legal guardian is required to be informed by the testing facility. Testing facilities where minors are tested shall have available a program to assist minors and legal guardians with the notification process which emphasizes the need for family support and assists in making available the resources necessary to accomplish that goal. However, a testing facility which is precluded by federal statute, regulation, or centers for disease control and prevention guidelines from informing the legal guardian is exempt from the notification requirement. The minor shall give written consent to these procedures and to receive the services, screening, or treatment. Such consent is not subject to later disaffirmance by reason of minority.
99 Acts, ch 181, §11; 2003 Acts, ch 108, §35; 2007 Acts, ch 44, §25; 2007 Acts, ch 70, §8
Referred to in §141A.9, 915.43