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7.1-1-3-1. Generally - Sec. 1. Generally. The definitions contained in this chapter shall...
7.1-1-3-2. "Accommodations" - Sec. 2. Accommodations. The term "accommodations" means the seating capacity...
7.1-1-3-3. "Adulterated Alcoholic Beverage" - Sec. 3. Adulterated Alcoholic Beverage. The term "adulterated alcoholic beverage"...
7.1-1-3-3.5. "Advertising Specialty" - Sec. 3.5. "Advertising specialty" means an item having a fair...
7.1-1-3-4. "Alcohol" - Sec. 4. Alcohol. The term "alcohol" means the compound C2H5OH,...
7.1-1-3-5. "Alcoholic Beverage" - Sec. 5. The term "alcoholic beverage" means a liquid or...
7.1-1-3-5.5. "Applicant" - Sec. 5.5. (a) "Applicant", for purposes of IC 7.1-3-18.5, means...
7.1-1-3-6. "Beer" - Sec. 6. The term "beer" means an alcoholic beverage obtained...
7.1-1-3-7. "Bona Fide Evidence of Majority or Identity" - Sec. 7. Bona Fide Evidence of Majority or Identity. The...
7.1-1-3-8. "Carrier" - Sec. 8. Carrier. The term "carrier" means: (a) A common...
7.1-1-3-8.5. "Certificate" - Sec. 8.5. "Certificate" means a tobacco sales certificate for purposes...
7.1-1-3-9. "Chairman" - Sec. 9. The term "chairman" means the presiding officer of...
7.1-1-3-9.5. "Hard Cider" - Sec. 9.5. The term "hard cider" means an alcoholic beverage...
7.1-1-3-10. "Club" - Sec. 10. The term "club" means an association or corporation...
7.1-1-3-11. "Commercially" - Sec. 11. Commercially. The term "commercially" means the manufacturing, bottling,...
7.1-1-3-12. "Commission" - Sec. 12. The term "commission" means the alcohol and tobacco...
7.1-1-3-12.5. "Consumer Advertising Specialty" - Sec. 12.5. "Consumer advertising specialty" means an item having a...
7.1-1-3-13. "Container" - Sec. 13. (a) "Container", except as provided in subsection (b),...
7.1-1-3-13.5. "Conviction for Operating While Intoxicated" - Sec. 13.5. "Conviction for operating while intoxicated" means a conviction...
7.1-1-3-14. "Denatured Alcohol" - Sec. 14. Denatured Alcohol. The term "denatured alcohol" means alcohol...
7.1-1-3-14.5. "Department" - Sec. 14.5. (a) "Department", except as provided in subsection (b),...
7.1-1-3-15. "Drug Store" - Sec. 15. Drug Store. The term "drug store" means a...
7.1-1-3-15.5. "Electronic Cigarette" - Sec. 15.5. "Electronic cigarette", has the meaning set forth in...
7.1-1-3-16. "Enforcement Officer" - Sec. 16. The term "enforcement officer" means a person employed...
7.1-1-3-16.4. "Entertainment" - Sec. 16.4. "Entertainment", for purposes of IC 7.1-5-5, means one...
7.1-1-3-16.5. "Entertainment Complex" - Sec. 16.5. The term "entertainment complex" means a premises that...
7.1-1-3-16.6. "Farm Winery" - Sec. 16.6. The term "farm winery" means a commercial winemaking...
7.1-1-3-16.7. "Flavored Malt Beverage" - Sec. 16.7. The term "flavored malt beverage" means an alcoholic...
7.1-1-3-17. "Fraternal Club" - Sec. 17. The term "fraternal club" means an association or...
7.1-1-3-18. "Gallon" - Sec. 18. Gallon. The term "gallon" means a liquid measure...
7.1-1-3-18.3. "Gift" - Sec. 18.3. "Gift", for purposes of IC 7.1-5-5, means anything...
7.1-1-3-18.5. "Grocery Store" - Sec. 18.5. (a) "Grocery store" means a store or part...
7.1-1-3-19. "Hotel" - Sec. 19. The term "hotel" means an establishment which meets...
7.1-1-3-19.5. "Internet Company" - Sec. 19.5. "Internet company" means a person that: (1) has...
7.1-1-3-19.6. "Jumbo Boat" - Sec. 19.6. The term "jumbo boat" means a vessel having...
7.1-1-3-19.7. "Law Enforcement Officer" - Sec. 19.7. "Law enforcement officer", for purposes of IC 7.1-5-1-6.5,...
7.1-1-3-20. "Licensed Premises" - Sec. 20. Licensed Premises. The term "licensed premises" means a...
7.1-1-3-20.5. "Limited Liability Company" - Sec. 20.5. The term "limited liability company" has the meaning...
7.1-1-3-20.7. "Limited Partnership" - Sec. 20.7. The term "limited partnership" has the meaning set...
7.1-1-3-21. "Liquor" - Sec. 21. Liquor. The term "liquor" means an alcoholic beverage...
7.1-1-3-22. "Local Board" - Sec. 22. The term "local board" means a local alcoholic...
7.1-1-3-23. "Malt Articles" - Sec. 23. Malt Articles. The term "malt articles" means malt,...
7.1-1-3-24. "Member of a Club" - Sec. 24. The term "member of a club" means a...
7.1-1-3-25. "Minor" - Sec. 25. "Minor" means a person less than twenty-one (21)...
7.1-1-3-26. "Misbranded Alcoholic Beverage" - Sec. 26. Misbranded Alcoholic Beverage. The term "misbranded alcoholic beverage"...
7.1-1-3-26.3. "Motor Vehicle" - Sec. 26.3. "Motor vehicle" means a vehicle that is self-propelled....
7.1-1-3-26.5. "Nonalcoholic Malt Beverage" - Sec. 26.5. The term "nonalcoholic malt beverage" means a liquid...
7.1-1-3-27. "One-Way Permit" - Sec. 27. One-Way Permit. The term "one-way permit" means a...
7.1-1-3-28. "Package Liquor Store" - Sec. 28. The term "package liquor store" means a place...
7.1-1-3-28.5. "Partnership" - Sec. 28.5. The term "partnership" has the meaning set forth...
7.1-1-3-29. "Permit" - Sec. 29. (a) "Permit", except as provided in subsection (b),...
7.1-1-3-30. "Permittee" - Sec. 30. (a) "Permittee", except as provided in subsection (b),...
7.1-1-3-31. "Person" - Sec. 31. The term "person" includes: (1) a natural individual;...
7.1-1-3-32. "Pint" - Sec. 32. Pint. The term "pint" means a liquid measure...
7.1-1-3-32.3. "Powdered or Crystalline Alcohol" - Sec. 32.3. "Powdered or crystalline alcohol" means alcohol in a...
7.1-1-3-32.5. "Primary Source of Supply" - Sec. 32.5. The term "primary source of supply" means, in...
7.1-1-3-32.7. "Professional and Educational Expenses" - Sec. 32.7. "Professional and educational expenses", for purposes of IC...
7.1-1-3-33. "Public Nuisance" - Sec. 33. The term "public nuisance" means an act, practice,...
7.1-1-3-34. "Quart" - Sec. 34. Quart. The term "quart" means a liquid measure...
7.1-1-3-35. "Rectifier" - Sec. 35. Rectifier. The term "rectifier" means a person who...
7.1-1-3-36. "Rectify" - Sec. 36. Rectify. The term "rectify" means and includes the...
7.1-1-3-37. "Residence" - Sec. 37. Residence. The term "residence" means: (a) The premises...
7.1-1-3-38. "Residential District" - Sec. 38. Residential District. The term "residential district" means an...
7.1-1-3-39. "Resort Hotel" - Sec. 39. The term "resort hotel" means an establishment which...
7.1-1-3-40. "Restaurant" - Sec. 40. The term "restaurant" means an establishment which meets...
7.1-1-3-41. "Salesman" - Sec. 41. Salesman. The term "salesman" means: (a) A person...
7.1-1-3-42. "Service Bar" - Sec. 42. Service Bar. The term "service bar" means a...
7.1-1-3-43. "Setup" - Sec. 43. Setup. The term "setup" means a glass, container,...
7.1-1-3-44. Repealed - [Pre-1973 Recodification Citation: 7-1-1-22.5.] Formerly: Acts 1973, P.L.55, SEC.1. As...
7.1-1-3-45. "Special Disqualifications" - Sec. 45. The term "special disqualifications" means those impediments provided...
7.1-1-3-46. "Table Wine" - Sec. 46. Table Wine. The term "table wine" means wine...
7.1-1-3-47. "Three-Way Permit" - Sec. 47. Three-Way Permit. The term "three-way permit" means the...
7.1-1-3-47.5. "Tobacco Product" - Sec. 47.5. (a) "Tobacco product", except as provided in subsection...
7.1-1-3-48. "Two-Way Permit" - Sec. 48. Two-Way Permit. The term "two-way permit" means the...
7.1-1-3-49. "Wine" - Sec. 49. The term "wine" means an alcoholic beverage obtained...
7.1-1-3-50. "Wood Alcohol" - Sec. 50. Wood Alcohol. The term "wood alcohol" means the...