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9-21-15-1. Application of Chapter - Sec. 1. This chapter applies to the following vehicles: (1)...
9-21-15-2. Traveled Portion of Highway or Shoulder During Time When Lights Are Required; Warning Devices; Requirements - Sec. 2. Except as provided in section 6 of this...
9-21-15-3. Vehicle Within 500 Feet of a Curve, Hillcrest, or Other Obstruction; Warning Signals; Requirements - Sec. 3. If a vehicle is disabled within five hundred...
9-21-15-4. Divided Highways During Time When Lights Are Required; Warning Devices; Requirements - Sec. 4. Whenever a vehicle is disabled upon a roadway...
9-21-15-5. Traveled Portion of Highway or Shoulder During Time When Lights Are Not Required; Warning Devices; Requirements - Sec. 5. Whenever a vehicle is disabled upon the traveled...
9-21-15-6. Vehicles Used in Transportation of Flammable Materials or Vehicles Using Such Materials as Fuel; Warning Devices; Requirements; Prohibited Devices - Sec. 6. (a) This section applies to the following: (1)...
9-21-15-7. Warning Devices; Rules and Regulations; Law Governing - Sec. 7. A flare, fusee, red electric lantern, portable red...
9-21-15-8. Violations; Class C Infraction - Sec. 8. A person who violates this chapter commits a...