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9-21-14-1. Application of Chapter - Sec. 1. This chapter applies to an officially recognized performing...
9-21-14-2. Marching Band Procession - Sec. 2. As used in this chapter, "marching band procession"...
9-21-14-3. Right-of-Way; Requirements; Exceptions - Sec. 3. (a) A marching band procession has the right-of-way...
9-21-14-4. Driving Between Vehicles of Marching Band Procession; Authorization - Sec. 4. A person who drives a vehicle that is...
9-21-14-5. Formation of Procession for Purpose of Securing Right-of-Way; Prohibition - Sec. 5. A pedestrian and a person who drives a...
9-21-14-6. Lead and Escort Vehicles; Flashing Amber Lights - Sec. 6. The lead and escort vehicles in a marching...
9-21-14-7. Ordinances Regulating Band Processions - Sec. 7. Local units of government with jurisdiction over local...
9-21-14-8. Violations; Class C Infraction - Sec. 8. A person who violates this chapter commits a...