Indiana Code
Chapter 2. Arrests
9-30-2-5. Misdemeanor Offenders Not Appearing Before Court Immediately; Release From Custody; Written Promise to Appear; Security Deposit; Contents of Security Agreement and Written Promise; Nonresident Requirements; Refusal of Security Deposit

Sec. 5. (a) If an Indiana resident:
(1) is arrested for a misdemeanor regulating the use and operation of motor vehicles, other than the misdemeanor of operating a vehicle while intoxicated; and
(2) is not immediately taken to court as provided in section 4 of this chapter;
the Indiana resident shall be released from custody by the arresting officer upon signing a written promise to appear in the proper court at a time and date indicated on the promise. The Indiana resident shall be given a copy of the promise.
(b) Except as provided in IC 9-28-1 and IC 9-28-2, if a nonresident is arrested for a violation of a traffic ordinance or a statute punishable as an infraction or a misdemeanor that regulates the use and operation of a motor vehicle and is not immediately taken to court as provided in section 4 of this chapter, the person shall be released upon the deposit of a security. The security shall be:
(1) the amount of the fine and costs for the violation in the form of cash, a money order, or a traveler's check made payable to the clerk of the court; or
(2) a valid motor club card of a motor club that, by written plan approved by the secretary of state as provided in section 8 of this chapter, guarantees the nonresident's deposit in the amount of the fine and costs.
The proper court shall provide a list of security deposits, which must be equal to the fine and costs for the violation, and a security deposit agreement that acts as a receipt for the deposit. A nonresident who does not choose to deposit a security shall be taken to the proper court.
(c) The agreement for the security deposit and the written promise or notice to appear in court must contain the following:
(1) A citation of the violation.
(2) The name and address of the person accused of committing the violation.
(3) The number of the person's license to operate a motor vehicle.
(4) The registration number of the person's vehicle, if any.
(5) The time and place the person must appear in court.
If the violation is a misdemeanor, the time specified for appearance must be at least five (5) days after the arrest unless the arrested person demands an earlier hearing. The place specified for appearance must be in the proper court within the county where the person was arrested or given a notice to appear in the case of an infraction or ordinance. The nonresident shall be properly informed of the consequences of a guilty plea or an agreed judgment. The agreement for the security must also contain a provision in which the nonresident agrees that the court shall take permanent possession of the deposit, and if the nonresident fails to appear in court or is not represented in court, a guilty plea or an offer of judgment shall be entered on the court's record on behalf of the nonresident. Upon proper appearance or representation, the security shall be returned to the nonresident.
(d) A nonresident licensed by a jurisdiction that has entered into an agreement with Indiana under IC 9-28-2 may deposit the nonresident's license to operate a motor vehicle with the law enforcement officer as security for release. A nonresident shall, by the date required on the security deposit agreement, do one (1) of the following:
(1) Appear in court.
(2) Be represented in court.
(3) Deliver to the court by mail or courier the amount of the fine and costs prescribed for the violation.
The license to operate a motor vehicle shall be returned to the nonresident upon payment of the fine and costs and entry of a guilty plea or upon other judgment of the court. Until a judgment has been entered upon the court's records, the nonresident's copy of the security deposit agreement acts as a temporary license to operate a motor vehicle. Upon failure to appear or to be represented, the nonresident's license to operate a motor vehicle and a copy of the judgment shall be sent by the court to the bureau, which shall notify the appropriate agency in accordance with IC 9-30-3-8.
(e) A nonresident who requests to deposit a security in the amount of the fine and costs shall be accompanied to the nearest United States mail receptacle and instructed by the law enforcement officer to place:
(1) the amount of the fine and costs; and
(2) one (1) signed copy of the security deposit agreement;
into a stamped, addressed envelope, which the proper court shall supply to the officer for the nonresident. The officer shall observe this transaction and shall observe the nonresident deposit the envelope in the mail receptacle. The nonresident shall then be released and given a copy of the security deposit agreement. If the nonresident does not appear in court or is not represented in court at the time and date specified on the receipt, a guilty plea or judgment against the nonresident shall be entered and the security deposit shall be used to satisfy the amount of the fine and costs prescribed for the violation.
(f) A nonresident motorist may deposit with the law enforcement officer a valid motor club card as a guarantee of security if the motor club or its affiliated clubs have a written plan approved by the secretary of state that guarantees the payment of the security in the amount of the fine and costs if the motorist:
(1) does not appear in court; or
(2) is not represented in court on the date and time specified in the security agreement.
(g) The recipient court may refuse acceptance of a security deposit agreement for a second moving traffic charge within a twelve (12) month period. The court may send notice requiring a personal court appearance on a date specified. Upon failure to appear the court shall take the appropriate action as described in this section.
[Pre-1991 Recodification Citation: 9-4-1-131.]
As added by P.L.2-1991, SEC.18. Amended by P.L.99-1996, SEC.2; P.L.198-2016, SEC.593.