Indiana Code
Chapter 12. Expiration and Renewal
9-24-12-11. Expiration of Licenses Under Certain Conditions

Sec. 11. (a) This section applies to a driver's license other than a commercial driver's license.
(b) If the birthday of a holder on which the holder's driver's license would otherwise expire falls on:
(1) Sunday;
(2) a legal holiday (as set forth in IC 1-1-9-1); or
(3) a weekday when all license branches in the county of residence of the holder are closed;
the driver's license of the holder does not expire until midnight of the first day after the birthday on which a license branch is open for business in the county of residence of the holder.
(c) A driver's license issued to an applicant who complies with IC 9-24-9-2.5(5) through IC 9-24-9-2.5(10) expires:
(1) at midnight one (1) year after issuance if there is no expiration date on the authorization granted to the individual to remain in the United States; or
(2) if there is an expiration date on the authorization granted to the individual to remain in the United States, the earlier of the following:
(A) At midnight of the date the authorization of the holder to be a legal permanent resident or conditional resident alien of the United States expires.
(B) At midnight of the birthday of the holder that occurs six (6) years after the date of issuance.
[Pre-2016 Revision Citation: subsection (c) formerly 9-24-12-12(b).]
As added by P.L.41-2006, SEC.8. Amended by P.L.109-2011, SEC.14; P.L.149-2015, SEC.70; P.L.198-2016, SEC.497.