Indiana Code
Chapter 1.7. Abandoned Manufactured Homes in Mobile Home Communities
9-22-1.7-4. Notice of Proposed Sale or Salvage by Landowner

Sec. 4. (a) A landowner shall send notice of a manufactured home described in section 3 of this chapter as follows:
(1) To the manufactured home owner at the last known address of the manufactured home owner as shown by the records of the bureau. However, if the landowner is unable to determine the address of the manufactured home owner, the landowner may serve the manufactured home owner by posting notice on the manufactured home.
(2) To:
(A) a lienholder with a perfected security interest in the manufactured home; or
(B) any other person known to claim an interest in the manufactured home;
as shown by the records of the bureau.
Notice under this section must include a description of the manufactured home and a conspicuous statement that the manufactured home is on the landowner's property without the landowner's permission. If the manufactured home owner changes the manufactured home owner's address from that maintained in the records of the bureau, the manufactured home owner shall immediately notify the landowner of the new address.
(b) A landowner may provide notice under subsection (a) by the following methods:
(1) Certified mail, return receipt requested.
(2) Personal delivery.
(3) Electronic service under IC 9-22-1-19.
(4) Posting of the notice on the manufactured home, if the landowner is unable to determine the manufactured home owner's address.
(c) If, before the thirty (30) day period described in section 3 of this chapter expires, the manufactured home owner requests by certified mail, return receipt requested, additional time to remove the manufactured home, the period described in section 3 of this chapter shall be extended by an additional thirty (30) days. The manufactured home owner may request only one (1) thirty (30) day extension of time.
As added by P.L.198-2016, SEC.377.