Indiana Code
Chapter 14.5. Watercraft
9-18.1-14.5-9. Operation of a Watercraft With Expired Plates; Violation

Sec. 9. (a) If the date on which the registration of a watercraft expires is a day on which all license branches located in the county in which the watercraft is registered are closed, including:
(1) a Sunday; or
(2) a legal holiday listed in IC 1-1-9-1;
the registration expires at midnight on the date following the next day on which a license branch located in the county in which the watercraft is registered is open for business.
(b) Except as provided in subsection (a), a person that owns or operates a watercraft may not operate or permit the operation of a watercraft that:
(1) is required to be registered under this chapter; and
(2) has an expired registration.
(c) A person that operates or permits the operation of a watercraft in violation of subsection (b) commits a Class C infraction.
As added by P.L.164-2020, SEC.38.