Indiana Code
Chapter 3. Local Airport Authorities
8-22-3-18.1. Capital Improvements; Revenue Bond Issues and Related Matters

Sec. 18.1. (a) The board may:
(1) finance capital improvements, including the acquisition of real estate;
(2) refund any bonds; or
(3) pay any loan contract;
by borrowing money and issuing revenue bonds from time to time under this section.
(b) The issuance of revenue bonds must be authorized by ordinance of the board in at least one (1) series, may bear a date or dates, may mature at a time or times not exceeding forty (40) years from their respective dates, may bear interest, may be in a denomination or denominations, may be in a form, either coupon or registered, may carry registration and conversion privileges, may be executed in a manner, may be payable in a medium of payment and at a place or places, may be subject to terms of redemption, with or without a premium, may be declared or become due before the maturity date, may provide for the replacement of mutilated, destroyed, stolen, or lost bonds, may be authenticated in a manner and upon compliance with conditions, and may contain other terms and covenants that the ordinance of the board provides. Notwithstanding the form or tenor of the bonds, and in the absence of express recitals on their faces that the bonds are nonnegotiable, the bonds are negotiable instruments.
(c) The issuance of revenue bonds must be approved as follows:
(1) When the authority is established by an eligible entity, by the entity's executive.
(2) When the authority is established by at least two (2) eligible entities acting jointly, by the executive of each of those entities.
(3) When the authority was established under IC 19-6-2 (before its repeal on April 1, 1980), by the executive of the consolidated city.
(4) When the authority was established under IC 19-6-3 (before its repeal on April 1, 1980), by the county fiscal body.
For purposes of this subsection, the entire legislative body of a town is considered the executive of the town.
(d) The bonds must be executed in the name of the authority by the president of the board and attested by the secretary, and interest coupons may be executed by placing on the interest coupons the facsimile signature of the president of the board. The bonds are valid and binding obligations of the authority for all purposes, notwithstanding that before delivery of the bonds any of the persons whose signatures appear on the bonds have ceased to be officers of the entity or authority, as if the persons had continued to be officers of the entity and authority until after delivery. The validity of the authorization and issuance of the bonds is not dependent on or affected in any way by proceedings taken for the improvement for which the bonds are to be issued, or by contracts made in connection with the improvement. An ordinance authorizing revenue bonds must provide that a revenue bond contain a recital that the bond is issued under this chapter, and a bond containing the recital under authority of an ordinance is considered valid and issued in conformity with this chapter.
(e) At the discretion of the board, the revenue bonds shall be sold either under the procedures for selling public bonds or at a negotiated sale. The bonds may be sold in installments at different times, or an entire issue or series may be sold or exchanged at one (1) time. Any issue or series of the bond may be sold in part or sold in part in installments at different times or at one (1) time.
(f) The bonds are special obligations of the authority and are payable solely from and secured by a lien upon the revenues of all or part of the facilities of the authority, as shall be more fully described in the ordinance of the board authorizing the issuance of the bonds, and, subject to the Constitution and to the prior or superior rights of any person, the board may by ordinance pledge and assign for the security of the bonds all or part of the gross or net revenues of the enterprise.
(g) All bonds of the same issue shall be equally and ratably secured, without priority by reason of number, date of bonds, of sale, of execution, or of delivery, by a lien upon the revenues in accordance with this section and the ordinance authorizing the issuance of the bonds.
(h) This chapter does not alter the rights granted to or the agreements made with the holders of any notes, bonds, or other obligations of the board outstanding on April 1, 1980.
(i) The bonds, and interest on the bonds, are not a debt of the authority or the board, nor a charge, a lien, or an encumbrance, legal or equitable, upon property of the board, or upon income, receipts, or revenues of the board other than those revenues of the facilities that have been pledged to the payment of the bonds. Every bond must recite in substance that the bond, including interest, is payable solely from the revenues pledged to the bond's payment, and that the board is under no obligation to pay the bond, except from those revenues.
(j) The bonds and the income from the bonds are exempt from taxation, except the financial institutions tax imposed under IC 6-5.5.
(k) In order that the payment of the revenue bonds and the interest on the bonds be adequately secured, the board and its officers, agents, and employees shall:
(1) pay or cause to be paid punctually the principal of every bond, and the interest on every bond, on the date or dates and at the place or places and in the manner and out of the funds mentioned in the bonds and in the attached coupons, in accordance with the ordinance authorizing their issuance;
(2) operate the facilities of the authority, the revenues of which are pledged to the bonds, in an efficient and economical manner and establish, levy, maintain, and collect fees, tolls, rentals, rates, and other charges that may be necessary or proper, which must be at least sufficient after making due and reasonable allowance for contingencies and for a margin of error in the estimates:
(A) to pay all current expenses of operation, maintenance, and repair of the facilities;
(B) to pay the interest on and principal of the bonds as the bonds become due and payable;
(C) to comply in all respects with the terms of the ordinance authorizing the issuance of bonds or any other contract or agreement with the holders of the bonds; and
(D) to meet any other obligations of the board that are charges, liens, or encumbrances upon the revenues of the facilities;
(3) operate and maintain the facilities and every part of the facilities in good working order and condition;
(4) preserve the security of the bonds and the rights of the holders, and warrant and defend the rights against all claims and demands of all persons;
(5) pay the lawful claims for labor, materials, and supplies, which, if unpaid, might by law become a lien or charge upon the revenues or part of the revenues, superior to the lien of the bonds, or that might impair the security of the bonds, to the end that the priority and security of the bonds be fully preserved;
(6) hold in trust the revenues pledged to the payment of the bonds for the benefit of the holders of the bonds and apply the revenues only as provided by the ordinance authorizing the issuance of the bonds or, if the ordinance is modified, as provided in the ordinance as modified; and
(7) keep proper books of record and accounts of the facilities (separate from all other records and accounts) in which complete and correct entries are made of all transactions relating to the facilities or part of the facilities, the revenues of which are pledged and that, together with all other books and papers of the board, are at all times subject to the inspection of the holder or holders of not less than ten percent (10%) of the bonds then outstanding or the holder's or the holders' representative duly authorized in writing.
None of the duties in this subsection require the expenditure in any manner or for any purpose by the board of any funds other than revenues received or receivable from the enterprise or facilities.
(l) The board may insert provisions in an ordinance or a resolution authorizing the issuance of revenue bonds, which becomes a part of the contract with the holders of the revenue bonds, as to:
(1) limitations on the purpose to which the proceeds of sale of any issue of revenue bonds, or any notes, bonds, or other obligations payable from the revenues to finance the improving of the facilities may be applied;
(2) limitations on the issuance of additional bonds, or additional notes, bonds, or other obligations to finance the improving of the facilities, including liens;
(3) limitations on the right of the board to restrict and regulate the use of the facilities;
(4) the amount and kind of insurance to be maintained on the facilities and the use and disposition of insurance money;
(5) pledging all or part of the revenues of the facilities to which the board's right exists;
(6) covenanting against pledging all or part of the revenues of the facilities to which its right exists;
(7) events of default and terms and conditions upon which the bonds become or may be declared due before maturity and as to the terms and conditions upon which declaration and its consequences may be waived;
(8) the rights, liabilities, powers, and duties arising upon the breach by it of any covenants, conditions, or obligations;
(9) the vesting in a trust or trustees the right to enforce covenants made to secure, to pay, or in relation to the bonds, as to the powers and duties of the trustee or trustees, and the limitation of liabilities, and as to the terms and conditions upon which the holders of the bonds or any proportion or percentage of the holders of the bonds may enforce any covenants made or duties imposed under this chapter;
(10) a procedure by which the terms of an ordinance authorizing revenue bonds, or any other contract with bondholders, such as an indenture of trust or similar instrument, may be amended or abrogated and as to the amount of bonds, the holders of which must consent to them and the manner in which such consent may be given;
(11) the execution of all instruments necessary or convenient in the exercise of the powers granted by this chapter or in the performance of the duties of the board and the officers, agents, and employees of them;
(12) refraining from pledging, claiming, or taking the benefit or advantage of any stay or extension law whenever enacted, which may affect the duties or covenants of the board in relation to the bonds, or the performance or the lien of the bonds;
(13) the purchase out of funds available, including the proceeds of revenue bonds, of outstanding notes, bonds, or obligations and the price or prices at which and the manner in which purchases may be made; and
(14) other acts and things that may be necessary, convenient, or desirable in order to secure the bonds, or that may tend to make the bonds more marketable.
This section does not authorize the board to make covenants, to perform an act, or to do anything that requires the expenditure by the board of funds other than revenues received or receivable from the facilities.
(m) In the event that the board defaults in the payment of the principal or interest on any of the revenue bonds after the bonds become due, whether at maturity or upon call for redemption, and the default continues for a period of thirty (30) days, or in the event that the board or the board's officers, agents, or employees fail or refuse to comply with this chapter or default in an agreement made with the holders of the bonds, any holder or holders of revenue bonds, or a trustee for the holder or holders of the bonds, has the right to apply in an appropriate judicial proceeding to the circuit or superior court of the county in which the district is situated, in which the facilities are located, or in any court of competent jurisdiction, for the appointment of a receiver of the facilities, whether or not the holder, holders, or trustee is seeking or has sought to enforce any other right or to exercise any remedy in connection with the bonds. Upon application, the circuit or superior court may appoint, and if the application is made by the holders of twenty-five percent (25%) in principal amount of the bonds then outstanding or by a trustee for holders of the bonds in that amount shall appoint, a receiver for the enterprise.
(n) The receiver appointed shall, directly or by the receiver's agents and attorneys, enter into and upon and take possession of the facilities, the revenues of which are pledged, and every part of the facilities, and may exclude the board, the board's officers, agents, and employees, and all persons claiming under them. The receiver may have, hold, use, operate, manage, and control the facilities in the name of the board or otherwise, as the receiver considers best, and may exercise all rights and powers of the board with respect to the facilities as the board itself might do. The receiver shall maintain, restore, and insure the facilities, shall make all necessary repairs, shall establish, levy, maintain, and collect fees, tolls, rentals, and other charges in connection with the facilities that the receiver considers necessary or proper and reasonable, and shall collect and receive all revenues, deposit the revenues in a separate account, and apply the revenues in the manner that the court directs.
(o) Whenever all that is due upon the revenue bonds and interest on the bonds, and upon other notes, bonds, or other obligations, and interest on the notes, bonds, or obligations, having a charge, lien, or encumbrance on the revenues of the facilities and under the terms of covenants or agreements with bondholders has been paid or deposited, and all defaults have been cured and made good, the court may in its discretion, and after notice and hearing that the court considers reasonable and proper, direct the receiver to surrender possession of the facilities to the board, with the right of the holders of the bonds to secure the appointment of a receiver upon subsequent default remaining in force.
(p) The receiver shall act under the direction and supervision of the court making the appointment and is at all times subject to the orders and decrees of the court, including possible removal. Nothing contained in this section limits or restricts the jurisdiction of the court to enter other or further orders and decrees as the court considers necessary or appropriate for the exercise by the receiver of functions specifically set forth.
(q) Subject to contractual limitations binding upon the holders or a trustee of an issue of revenue bonds, including but not limited to the restrictions of the exercise of a remedy to a specified proportion or percentage of the holders, a holder or trustee of the bonds may, for the equal benefit and protection of all holders of revenue bonds similarly situated:
(1) by mandamus or other suit, action, or proceeding at law or in equity enforce rights against the board and any of the board's officers, agents, and employees and require and compel the board or the board's officers, agents, or employees to perform and carry out duties and obligations under this chapter and covenant agreements with bondholders;
(2) by action or suit in equity require the board to account as if the board were the trustee of an express trust;
(3) by action or suit in equity enjoin any acts or things that may be unlawful or in violation of the rights of the bondholders; or
(4) bring suit upon the bonds.
No remedy conferred by this chapter upon a holder or trustee of revenue bonds is intended to be exclusive of any other remedy, but each remedy is in addition to every other remedy and may be exercised without exhausting and without regard to any other remedy conferred by this chapter or by any other law. No waiver of a default or breach of duty or contract, whether by a holder or trustee of revenue bonds extends to or affects a subsequent default or breach of duty or contract or impairs any rights or remedies on them. No delay or omission of a bondholder or trustee extends to or affects a subsequent default or breach of duty or contract or impairs any rights or remedies. No delay or omission of a bondholder or trustee to exercise a right or power accruing upon default impairs the right or power or may be construed to be a waiver of the default or acquiescence in it. Every substantive right and every remedy conferred upon the holders of revenue bonds may be enforced and exercised from time to time and as often as is expedient. In case any suit, action, or proceeding to enforce a right or exercise a remedy is brought or taken and then discontinued or abandoned, or is determined adversely to the holder or trustee of the revenue bonds, then the board and the holder or trustee shall be restored to their former positions and rights and remedies as if no suit, action, or proceeding had been brought or taken.
(r) Refunding or refunding and improvement revenue bonds may be issued in accordance with the provisions for the refinancing or refinancing and improving of any of the facilities for which revenue bonds or a loan contract have been issued or made under this section or section 19 of this chapter.
(s) This section constitutes full authority for the issuance of revenue bonds. No procedure, proceedings, publications, notices, consents, approvals, orders, acts, or things by the board, by a board, an officer, a commission, a department, an agency, or an instrumentality of the state, or by an eligible entity is required to issue revenue bonds or to do any act or perform anything under this chapter, except as presented by this chapter. The powers conferred by this chapter are in addition to, and not in substitution for, and the limitations imposed by this section do not affect the powers conferred in another section of this chapter or by any other statute.
As added by P.L.1-1991, SEC.81. Amended by P.L.254-1997(ss), SEC.17; P.L.79-2017, SEC.58.

Structure Indiana Code

Indiana Code

Title 8. Utilities and Transportation

Article 22. Airports

Chapter 3. Local Airport Authorities

8-22-3-0.3. Transfer of Board of Aviation Commissioners After January 25, 1985; Applicable Law

8-22-3-1. Establishment; Jurisdiction; Name

8-22-3-1.1. Establishment of Airport Authorities in Allen County

8-22-3-2. Remonstrance Against Establishment of Authority; Petition; Certification

8-22-3-3. Executive and Legislative Powers of Board

8-22-3-4. Members of Board

8-22-3-4.1. Members of Board for Marion County

8-22-3-4.2. Authority Established Under Ic 8-22-3-1.1; Members of Board

8-22-3-4.3. Members of Certain Boards; Annual Financial Audit; Annual Report

8-22-3-4.4. General Assembly Findings Regarding Board of Indianapolis Airport Authority

8-22-3-4.5. Members of a Board Established by Clark County

8-22-3-5. Board Membership; Prerequisites; Restrictions

8-22-3-6. Appointment of Board Members; Staggered Terms; Vacancies; Reappointment; Impeachment

8-22-3-6.1. Authority Established Under Ic 8-22-3-1.1; Appointment of Board Members; Terms; Vacancies; Reappointment; Impeachment

8-22-3-6.5. Cooperation Agreements With Contiguous Counties

8-22-3-7. Conflicts of Interest

8-22-3-8. Compensation and Expenses

8-22-3-9. Election of Officers; Meetings; Record of Proceedings; Internal Affairs

8-22-3-10. Proposal and Adoption of Ordinances

8-22-3-11. Powers and Duties of Board; Tax Rates

8-22-3-11.6. Consolidation of Law Enforcement and Fire Protection

8-22-3-12. Contracts for Improvements and Purchases

8-22-3-13. Damages for Breach of Agreements; Penalties for Violations; Injuries to Properties; Publication of Rules and Regulations

8-22-3-14. Establishment of Restricted Zones; Eminent Domain; Zoning Jurisdiction

8-22-3-15. Eminent Domain; Procedures

8-22-3-16. Issuance of Bonds

8-22-3-17. Special Tax Levy; Collection; Bonds Exempt From Taxation

8-22-3-18. Repealed

8-22-3-18.1. Capital Improvements; Revenue Bond Issues and Related Matters

8-22-3-19. Temporary Loans; Loan Contracts; Requirements; Tax Exemption

8-22-3-20. Treasurer

8-22-3-21. Annual Report of Accounts

8-22-3-22. Audit of Records; Submission of Records of Account

8-22-3-23. Budget

8-22-3-24. Assessment and Collection of Tax Levy; Transfer to Authority's Cumulative Building Fund

8-22-3-25. Cumulative Building Fund; Levy and Investment of Tax; Limitations on Spending for Intrastate Air Transportation

8-22-3-26. Board to Act as Board of Finance

8-22-3-27. Officers' and Employees' Bonds

8-22-3-28. Public Necessity and Benefit; Tax Exemption of Leasehold Interests

8-22-3-29. Assistance to Other Entity or Authority

8-22-3-30. Expenses Before Tax Collection

8-22-3-31. Federal, Public, or Private Grants of Funds

8-22-3-32. Violations; Offense

8-22-3-33. Transfer of Powers and Duties to Airport Authority

8-22-3-34. Special Police; Powers

8-22-3-35. Sale of Aviation Land, Buildings, or Improvements