Indiana Code
Chapter 20. Vanderburgh County Food and Beverage Tax
6-9-20-8.8. Arena Fund; Deposits; Use of Excess Revenue for Arena Fund

Sec. 8.8. (a) If the tax imposed under section 3 of this chapter is continued to finance the acquisition, construction, and equipping of an arena and other facilities that serve or support the arena activities, the county treasurer shall determine whether there is any food and beverage tax revenue under this chapter that is not required to be deposited and held to:
(1) pay any debt service on bonds issued or rentals on leases entered into by January 1, 2009, for which a pledge of revenues of the food and beverage tax has been made by the county as set forth in section 8.7 of this chapter; or
(2) provide for a debt service reserve related to the bonds or leases described in subdivision (1).
(b) Before the twentieth day of each month, the county treasurer shall determine whether there is excess food and beverage tax revenue under subsection (a) and by the last day of that month transfer the excess food and beverage tax revenue to the fiscal officer of the most populated municipality in the county. The municipal fiscal officer shall deposit the excess food and beverage tax revenue in a municipal arena fund. Any money earned from the investment of money in the municipal arena fund becomes a part of the municipal arena fund. Money in the municipal arena fund shall be used by the most populated municipality in the county for financing the acquisition, construction, and equipping of an arena and other facilities that serve or support the arena activities. This money shall be retained in the municipal arena fund until applied or transferred to another fund pledged to the payment of debt service on bonds, rent on leases, or other obligations incurred to finance the facilities.
As added by P.L.176-2009, SEC.11.