Indiana Code
Chapter 14. Brown County Innkeeper's Tax
6-9-14-3. Powers

Sec. 3. The commission may:
(1) accept and use gifts, grants, and contributions from any public or private source, under terms and conditions which the commission deems necessary and desirable;
(2) sue and be sued;
(3) enter into contracts and agreements;
(4) make rules and regulations necessary for the conduct of its business and the accomplishment of its purposes;
(5) receive and approve, alter, or reject requests and proposals for funding by corporations qualified under subdivision (6);
(6) after its approval of a proposal, transfer money, quarterly or less frequently, from the fund required by section 7 of this chapter, to any not-for-profit corporation, for the purpose of promotion and encouragement in the county of convention and visitation development; and
(7) require financial or other reports from any corporation that receives funds under this chapter.
A majority of the commission shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business, and the concurrence of a majority of the commission shall be necessary to authorize any action.
As added by Acts 1981, P.L.100, SEC.1. Amended by P.L.62-1990, SEC.4.