Indiana Code
Chapter 6.5. Aircraft License Excise Tax
6-6-6.5-10.4. Sale or Transfer of Taxable Aircraft; Notice to Department; Disclosures to Transferee

Sec. 10.4. (a) Not later than thirty-one (31) days after a sale or transfer of ownership of a taxable aircraft, the transferring owner shall notify the department of the sale or transfer.
(b) If the transferring owner is a dealer, the transferring owner shall notify the department by submitting to the department one (1) of the following:
(1) A copy of the applicable department form (ST108AC or, if an out-of-state exemption is claimed, ST-137).
(2) A written list containing all the information contained on form ST108AC, including the complete name and address of seller and purchaser, date of sale, make, model, year, and Federal Aviation Administration N number of the new aircraft, a description of any trade-in allowed, and delivery information. If an exemption is claimed, the purchaser's certificate of exemption, whether by submission of the ST-137 or by certified statement, shall also be submitted.
(c) The trade-in, if any, shall be described by the Federal Aviation Administration N number, serial number, make, model, year, and dollar value allowed.
(d) With regard to sales and transfers, dealers shall comply with all applicable gross retail and use tax statutes, rules, and procedures of the department, including the calculation of selling price and limitations on like-kind exchanges and requirements for proof of exemption. Failure to comply or failure to provide proof of compliance to the department may be cause for immediate revocation of the dealer's certificate. However, the dealer has one hundred eighty (180) days to sell the dealer's inventory.
(e) In addition to the other disclosures required by this chapter, a dealer shall provide a transferee with an "Indiana application for aircraft registration or exemption" form.
As added by P.L.65-1997, SEC.14. Amended by P.L.97-1998, SEC.7.

Structure Indiana Code

Indiana Code

Title 6. Taxation

Article 6. Motor Fuel and Vehicle Excise Taxes

Chapter 6.5. Aircraft License Excise Tax

6-6-6.5-0.1. Application of Certain Amendments to Chapter

6-6-6.5-1. Definitions

6-6-6.5-2. Necessity of Registration

6-6-6.5-3. Application for Registration; Fee

6-6-6.5-4. Certificate of Registration; Issuance

6-6-6.5-5. Duration of Registration

6-6-6.5-6. Repealed

6-6-6.5-7. Lost or Destroyed Certificate of Registration; Duplicate; Fee

6-6-6.5-8. Sale or Transfer of Aircraft; Transfer of Registration; Fee; Tax Liability

6-6-6.5-9. Exemptions

6-6-6.5-10. Dealer Certificate; Necessity

6-6-6.5-10.1. Dealer's Certificate; Issuance; Fee; Duration

6-6-6.5-10.2. Dealer's Certificate; Renewal; Revocation

6-6-6.5-10.3. Dealer's Certificate; Revocation or Denial, Notice, Reinstatement, or Certification Upon Proof of Bona Fide Dealer Status

6-6-6.5-10.4. Sale or Transfer of Taxable Aircraft; Notice to Department; Disclosures to Transferee

6-6-6.5-10.5. Sale or Transfer of Taxable Aircraft; Updating of Dealer's Inventory; Transfer of Excise Tax Liability

6-6-6.5-10.6. Use of Inventory Aircraft for Other Purpose

6-6-6.5-10.7. Excise Tax on Inventory Aircraft; Assessment, Reporting, Remission of Tax, Penalties, and Interest; Aircraft Held Other Than for Inventory Use

6-6-6.5-11. Violations; Offense

6-6-6.5-12. Annual License Excise Tax

6-6-6.5-13. Classification of Aircraft; Tax Rate; Credits

6-6-6.5-14. Payment of Tax

6-6-6.5-15. Aircraft Subject to Tax After Regular Annual Registration Date; Reduction of Tax

6-6-6.5-16. Forms for Registration

6-6-6.5-17. Powers of Department

6-6-6.5-18. Registration Without Payment of Tax; Offenses

6-6-6.5-19. Penalties; Failure to Register, Report, or Pay Tax Due

6-6-6.5-20. Taxpayer Owning More Than One Aircraft; Consolidation of Collection

6-6-6.5-21. Allocation and Distribution of Tax Revenue; Aircraft Excise Tax Fund; Duties of County Treasurer; State Welfare and Tuition Support Allocation Amount

6-6-6.5-21.5. Allen County Treasurer to Distribute Funds; Report

6-6-6.5-22. Equivalence to Average Property Tax Rate; Effect on Constitutional Debt Limit; Determination of Assessed Valuation

6-6-6.5-23. Reports of Airport Owners; Civil Penalty

6-6-6.5-24. Repealed

6-6-6.5-25. Aircraft Brought Into Indiana; Registration Without Payment of Use Tax