Indiana Code
Chapter 4.1. Motor Carrier Fuel Tax
6-6-4.1-4.8. Claim for Proportional Use Credit

Sec. 4.8. (a) This section applies only to a claim for a proportional use credit under section 4(d) of this chapter or section 4.5(e) of this chapter (before its repeal) for taxes first due and payable after July 31, 1999.
(b) In order to obtain a proportional use credit against taxes imposed under section 4 of this chapter or section 4.5 of this chapter (before its repeal) a carrier must file a claim with the department. The claim must be submitted on a form prescribed by the department and must be filed with the quarterly return for the taxable period for which the proportional use credit is claimed. A carrier is not entitled to a proportional use credit under section 4(d) of this chapter or section 4.5(e) of this chapter (before its repeal) unless the carrier:
(1) has paid in full the taxes to which the credit applies; and
(2) has filed a claim for the credit on or before the due date of the corresponding quarterly return for the taxable period for which the proportional use credit is claimed.
A credit approved under this section shall, subject to this section, be refunded to the carrier without interest.
(c) The department shall determine the aggregate amount of proportional use credits claimed under section 4(d) of this chapter or section 4.5(e) of this chapter (before its repeal) for each quarter. The department may approve the full amount of a proportional use credit claimed by a carrier if the aggregate amount of proportional use credits claimed for the quarter and for the fiscal year do not exceed the limits set forth in subsection (d). If the aggregate amount of proportional use credits claimed in a quarter exceeds the limits set forth in subsection (d), the department shall pay the claims for that quarter on a pro rata basis.
(d) The department may not approve more than three million five hundred thousand dollars ($3,500,000) of proportional use credits under this section in a state fiscal year. In addition, the amount of proportional use credits the department may approve under this section for a quarter may not exceed the following:
(1) For the quarter ending September 30 of a year, an amount equal to one million three hundred seventy-five thousand dollars ($1,375,000).
(2) For the quarter ending December 31 of a year, an amount equal to:
(A) six hundred twenty-five thousand dollars ($625,000); plus
(B) the greater of zero (0) or the result of:
(i) the limit determined for the previous quarter under this subsection; minus
(ii) the aggregate amount of claims approved for the previous quarter.
(3) For the quarter ending March 31 of a year, an amount equal to:
(A) six hundred twenty-five thousand dollars ($625,000); plus
(B) the greater of zero (0) or the result of:
(i) the limit determined for the previous quarter under this subsection; minus
(ii) the aggregate amount of claims approved for the previous quarter.
(4) For the quarter ending June 30 of a year, an amount equal to:
(A) eight hundred seventy-five thousand dollars ($875,000); plus
(B) the greater of zero (0) or the result of:
(i) the limit determined for the previous quarter under this subsection; minus
(ii) the aggregate amount of claims approved for the previous quarter.
As added by P.L.222-1999, SEC.6. Amended by P.L.176-2006, SEC.5; P.L.218-2017, SEC.50; P.L.185-2018, SEC.11.

Structure Indiana Code

Indiana Code

Title 6. Taxation

Article 6. Motor Fuel and Vehicle Excise Taxes

Chapter 4.1. Motor Carrier Fuel Tax

6-6-4.1-1. Definitions

6-6-4.1-2. Applicability of Chapter

6-6-4.1-3. Leased Motor Vehicles

6-6-4.1-4. Imposition of Tax; Rates; Computation of Amount of Fuel Consumed in Indiana

6-6-4.1-4.3. Repealed

6-6-4.1-4.5. Repealed

6-6-4.1-4.7. Certification for Proportional Use Credit

6-6-4.1-4.8. Claim for Proportional Use Credit

6-6-4.1-5. Disposition of Tax Revenue

6-6-4.1-6. Credits Against Tax

6-6-4.1-7. Computation of Credits; Refunds; Interest

6-6-4.1-7.1. Class Action for Refund of Tax; Prerequisites

6-6-4.1-8. Bond, Letter of Credit, or Cash Deposit; Furnishing; Release From Liability; Retaining Cash Deposit

6-6-4.1-9. Presumption of Consumption Rate

6-6-4.1-10. Quarterly Reports; Exemptions

6-6-4.1-11. Pooled Services; Joint Reports; Calculation of Tax; Contents of Reports

6-6-4.1-12. Annual Permit, Cab Card, and Emblem

6-6-4.1-13. Special Trip Permits; Repair and Maintenance Permits

6-6-4.1-14. Reciprocity

6-6-4.1-14.5. Agreements; Limitations; Transmittals

6-6-4.1-15. Enforcement

6-6-4.1-16. Agreements for Cooperative Audit of Reports and Returns

6-6-4.1-17. Suspension or Revocation of Permit or Temporary Authorization; Reinstatement

6-6-4.1-18. Violations; Penalties

6-6-4.1-19. Impoundment of Commercial Motor Vehicle; Release of Cargo

6-6-4.1-20. Failure to Keep Books and Records; Penalty

6-6-4.1-21. Repealed

6-6-4.1-22. Carriers; Interest on Nonpayment

6-6-4.1-23. Penalty

6-6-4.1-24. Proposed Assessment; Protest; Hearing

6-6-4.1-25. Registration or Licensure of Vehicle Required to Obtain Annual Motor Carrier Fuel Tax Permit or License; Proof of Issuance of Permit or License

6-6-4.1-26. Issuance of Excess Size or Weight Permit; Proof of Registration Under This Chapter or International Fuel Tax Agreement

6-6-4.1-27. Information Sharing; Confidential Information