Indiana Code
Chapter 6. Special Procedures for Appraising and Taxing Certain Property Interests
6-4.1-6-4. Determinations of the Manner in Which Property Probably Will Be Distributed

Sec. 4. For purposes of determining the inheritance tax imposed on a decedent's transfer of specific property, the department of state revenue shall, so far as possible, determine the manner in which the property will probably be distributed if:
(1) a contingency makes it impossible to determine each transferee's exact interest in the property; and
(2) the department of state revenue and the taxpayer fail, within a reasonable time, to enter into an agreement under section 3 of this chapter.
A person may petition the department of state revenue for a redetermination of the amount of inheritance tax imposed under this subsection in the time and manner provided under IC 6-4.1-7-1 or IC 6-4.1-7-5, whichever is applicable.
As added by Acts 1976, P.L.18, SEC.1. Amended by P.L.190-2016, SEC.17; P.L.79-2017, SEC.30.