Indiana Code
Chapter 9. Distribution of Revenue
6-3.6-9-15. Trust Account; Excess Balance; Supplemental Distribution; Amount; Allocation

Sec. 15. (a) If the budget agency determines that the balance in a county trust account exceeds fifteen percent (15%) of the certified distributions to be made to the county in the determination year, the budget agency shall make a supplemental distribution to the county from the county's trust account. The budget agency shall use the trust account balance as of December 31 of the year that precedes the determination year by two (2) years (referred to as the "trust account balance year" in this section).
(b) A supplemental distribution described in subsection (a) must be:
(1) made at the same time as the determinations are provided to the county auditor under subsection (d)(3); and
(2) allocated in the same manner as certified distributions for the purposes described in this article.
(c) The amount of a supplemental distribution described in subsection (a) is equal to the amount by which:
(1) the balance in the county trust account; minus
(2) the amount of any supplemental or special distribution that has not yet been accounted for in the last known balance of the county's trust account;
exceeds fifteen percent (15%) of the certified distributions to be made to the county in the determination year.
(d) For a county that qualifies for a supplemental distribution under this section in a year, the following apply:
(1) Before February 15, the budget agency shall update the information described in section 9 of this chapter to include the excess account balances to be distributed under this section.
(2) Before May 2, the budget agency shall provide the amount of the supplemental distribution for the county to the department of local government finance and to the county auditor.
(3) The department of local government finance shall determine for the county and each taxing unit within the county:
(A) the amount and allocation of the supplemental distribution attributable to the taxes that were imposed as of December 31 of the trust account balance year, including any specific distributions for that year; and
(B) the amount of the allocation for each of the purposes set forth in this article, using the allocation percentages in effect in the trust account balance year.
The department of local government finance shall provide these determinations to the county auditor before May 16 of the determination year.
(4) Before June 1, the county auditor shall distribute to each taxing unit the amount of the supplemental distribution that is allocated to the taxing unit under subdivision (3).
For determinations before 2019, the tax rates in effect under and the allocation methods specified in the former income tax laws shall be used for the determinations under subdivision (3).
(e) For any part of a supplemental distribution attributable to property tax credits under a former income tax or IC 6-3.6-5, the adopting body for the county may allocate the supplemental distribution to property tax credits for not more than the three (3) years after the year the supplemental distribution is received.
(f) Any income earned on money held in a trust account established for a county under this chapter shall be deposited in that trust account.
As added by P.L.243-2015, SEC.10. Amended by P.L.126-2016, SEC.2; P.L.257-2019, SEC.73.

Structure Indiana Code

Indiana Code

Title 6. Taxation

Article 3.6. Local Income Taxes

Chapter 9. Distribution of Revenue

6-3.6-9-1. Budget Agency Accounting for Each County; Undistributed Amounts

6-3.6-9-2. Repealed

6-3.6-9-3. Repealed

6-3.6-9-4. Distribution of Revenue to a County; Amount

6-3.6-9-4.1. Adjustments

6-3.6-9-5. Certified Distribution; Estimate of Certified Amount; Property Tax Credits; School Distributions; Public Safety Revenue; Economic Development Revenue; Certified Shares; Special Purpose Revenue

6-3.6-9-6. Reduction of Certified Amount to Offset Overpayment

6-3.6-9-7. Adjustment of Certified Distribution; Clerical or Mathematical Errors

6-3.6-9-8. Adjustment of Certified Distribution; Tax; Tax Rate

6-3.6-9-8.5. Transfer to State for Department of State Revenue's Information Technology Modernization Project

6-3.6-9-9. Summary of Calculations Used to Determine Certified Distributions; Contents

6-3.6-9-10. Certification of Additional Information; Part of the Certified Distribution Attributable to Each Tax Rate

6-3.6-9-11. Deadline for Summary of Calculations; Certification of Additional Information

6-3.6-9-12. Trust Account; Monthly Distributions

6-3.6-9-13. Trust Account; Manner of Distributions; Warrants

6-3.6-9-14. Trust Account; Report of Account Balance

6-3.6-9-15. Trust Account; Excess Balance; Supplemental Distribution; Amount; Allocation

6-3.6-9-16. Allocation and Distribution of a County's Monthly Payment to the Appropriate Entities

6-3.6-9-17. Special Distribution; Permitted Expenditures

6-3.6-9-19. Annual Report to Each County