Indiana Code
Chapter 6. Expenditure Rate
6-3.6-6-8. Allocation of Certified Distribution; Allocation of Revenue for Public Safety; Dedication for Psap; Application for Distribution by a Fire Department or Emergency Medical Services Provider

Sec. 8. (a) This section applies to the allocation of additional revenue from a tax under this chapter to public safety purposes. Funding dedicated for a PSAP under a former tax continues to apply under this chapter until it is rescinded or modified. If funding was not dedicated for a PSAP under a former tax, the adopting body may adopt a resolution providing that all or part of the additional revenue allocated to public safety is to be dedicated for a PSAP. The resolution first applies in the following year and then thereafter until it is rescinded or modified. Funding dedicated for a PSAP shall be allocated and distributed as provided in IC 6-3.6-11-4.
(b) Except as provided in subsection (c), the amount of the certified distribution that is allocated to public safety purposes, and after making allocations under IC 6-3.6-11, shall be allocated to the county and to each municipality in the county that is carrying out or providing at least one (1) public safety purpose. For purposes of this subsection, in the case of a consolidated city, the total property taxes imposed by the consolidated city include the property taxes imposed by the consolidated city and all special taxing districts (except for a public library district, a public transportation corporation, and a health and hospital corporation), and all special service districts. The amount allocated under this subsection to a county or municipality is equal to the result of:
(1) the amount of the remaining certified distribution that is allocated to public safety purposes; multiplied by
(2) a fraction equal to:
(A) in the case of a county that initially imposed a rate for public safety under IC 6-3.5-6 (repealed), the result of the total property taxes imposed in the county by the county or municipality for the calendar year preceding the distribution year, divided by the sum of the total property taxes imposed in the county by the county and each municipality in the county that is entitled to a distribution under this section for that calendar year; or
(B) in the case of a county that initially imposed a rate for public safety under IC 6-3.5-1.1 (repealed) or a county that did not impose a rate for public safety under either IC 6-3.5-1.1 (repealed) or IC 6-3.5-6 (repealed), the result of the attributed allocation amount of the county or municipality for the calendar year preceding the distribution year, divided by the sum of the attributed allocation amounts of the county and each municipality in the county that is entitled to a distribution under this section for that calendar year.
(c) A fire department, volunteer fire department, or emergency medical services provider that:
(1) provides fire protection or emergency medical services within the county; and
(2) is operated by or serves a political subdivision that is not otherwise entitled to receive a distribution of tax revenue under this section;
may, before July 1 of a year, apply to the adopting body for a distribution of tax revenue under this section during the following calendar year. The adopting body shall review an application submitted under this subsection and may, before September 1 of a year, adopt a resolution requiring that one (1) or more of the applicants shall receive a specified amount of the tax revenue to be distributed under this section during the following calendar year. The adopting body shall provide a copy of the resolution to the county auditor and the department of local government finance not more than fifteen (15) days after the resolution is adopted. A resolution adopted under this subsection and provided in a timely manner to the county auditor and the department applies only to distributions in the following calendar year. Any amount of tax revenue distributed under this subsection to a fire department, volunteer fire department, or emergency medical services provider shall be distributed before the remainder of the tax revenue is allocated under subsection (b).
As added by P.L.243-2015, SEC.10. Amended by P.L.197-2016, SEC.52; P.L.247-2017, SEC.16.

Structure Indiana Code

Indiana Code

Title 6. Taxation

Article 3.6. Local Income Taxes

Chapter 6. Expenditure Rate

6-3.6-6-1. Imposition of Tax

6-3.6-6-2. Rate of Tax

6-3.6-6-2.5. Tax Rate for a Psap in Certain Counties; Adoption of Ordinance by County Fiscal Body; Distribution of Revenue

6-3.6-6-2.7. Tax Rate for Correctional and Rehabilitation Facilities; Adoption of Ordinance by County Fiscal Body; Distribution of Revenue

6-3.6-6-2.8. Tax Rate for Emergency Medical Services; Adoption of Ordinance by County Fiscal Body; Tax Rate; Distribution of Revenue

6-3.6-6-3. Treatment of Tax Revenue; Distributions to School Corporations and Civil Taxing Units; Additional Revenue; Additional Revenue May Not Reduce Levy Limit or Property Tax Rate; Revenue Pledged for Bonds

6-3.6-6-4. Additional Revenue; Allocation; Public Safety; Economic Development; Certified Shares

6-3.6-6-5. Allocations; Pledge for Payment of Bonds or Leases

6-3.6-6-6. Repealed

6-3.6-6-7. Repealed

6-3.6-6-8. Allocation of Certified Distribution; Allocation of Revenue for Public Safety; Dedication for Psap; Application for Distribution by a Fire Department or Emergency Medical Services Provider

6-3.6-6-8.5. Marion County; Allocation of Additional Revenue to Fund Operation of a Public Library, a Public Transportation Corporation; or a Public Communications Systems and Computer Facilities District

6-3.6-6-9. Allocation of Revenue for Economic Development; Amount of Certified Distribution

6-3.6-6-9.5. Capital Improvement Plan; Revenue Allocated for Economic Development; Effect of Not Adopting a Capital Improvement Plan; Components of a Plan

6-3.6-6-10. Allocation of Additional Revenue Allocated for Certified Shares

6-3.6-6-11. Eligibility for Allocation of Certified Shares; Civil Taxing Units; School Corporations Excluded

6-3.6-6-12. Allocation Amount of Certified Shares; Civil Taxing Units

6-3.6-6-13. Repealed

6-3.6-6-14. Calculation of Allocation of Certified Shares Among Civil Taxing Units

6-3.6-6-15. Adjustment of Allocation or Distribution of Certified Shares; Fire Protection Territory

6-3.6-6-16. Marion County; Certified Shares; Supplemental Allocation and Distribution Requirements

6-3.6-6-17. Certified Shares; Uses

6-3.6-6-18. Pledge of Certified Shares; Payment of Bonds; Lease Payments; Approval by Fiscal Body

6-3.6-6-19. Authorization for a Civil Taxing Unit to Distribute Its Certified Shares to Another Governmental Entity; Procedures

6-3.6-6-20. Allocation or Distribution of Revenue Made on the Basis of Property Tax Levies or Budgets in Certain Counties

6-3.6-6-21. Ability to Contribute Certified Shares to Regional Development Authority Infrastructure Fund

6-3.6-6-21.2. School Corporation Allocation of Local Income Tax Revenue to Any Fund