Indiana Code
Chapter 4. Imposition of Tax
6-3.6-4-2. Tax Rates; Adoption; Increasing; Decreasing; Rescinding

Sec. 2. Subject to section 3 of this chapter, a tax rate authorized under IC 6-3.6-5, IC 6-3.6-6, or IC 6-3.6-7 may be adopted, increased, decreased, or rescinded without adopting, increasing, decreasing, or rescinding a tax rate authorized by either of the two (2) other chapters. However, an adopting body may:
(1) adopt, increase, decrease, or rescind a tax authorized under a particular chapter of this article; and
(2) adopt, increase, decrease, or rescind a tax authorized under another chapter of this article;
in the same ordinance.
As added by P.L.243-2015, SEC.10.