Indiana Code
Chapter 10. Permitted Expenditures
6-3.6-10-7. Regional Venture Capital Fund; Deposit of Revenue Allocated for Economic Development; Uses of Money From the Fund; Interlocal Agreement; Administration of the Fund

Sec. 7. (a) The general assembly finds that counties and municipalities in Indiana have a need to foster economic development, the development of new technology, and industrial and commercial growth. The general assembly finds that it is necessary and proper to provide an alternative method for counties and municipalities to foster the following:
(1) Economic development.
(2) The development of new technology.
(3) Industrial and commercial growth.
(4) Employment opportunities.
(5) The diversification of industry and commerce.
The fostering of economic development and the development of new technology under this section or section 8 of this chapter for the benefit of the general public, including industrial and commercial enterprises, is a public purpose.
(b) The fiscal bodies of two (2) or more counties or municipalities may, by resolution, do the following:
(1) Determine that part or all of the revenue described in section 2 of this chapter should be combined to foster:
(A) economic development;
(B) the development of new technology; and
(C) industrial and commercial growth.
(2) Establish a regional venture capital fund.
(c) Each unit participating in a regional venture capital fund established under subsection (b) may deposit the following in the fund:
(1) Revenues described in section 2 of this chapter.
(2) The proceeds of public or private grants.
(d) A regional venture capital fund shall be administered by a governing board. The expenses of administering the fund shall be paid from money in the fund. The governing board shall invest the money in the fund not currently needed to meet the obligations of the fund in the same manner as other public money may be invested. Interest that accrues from these investments shall be deposited into the fund. The fund is subject to audit by the state board of accounts under IC 5-11-1. The fund must bear the full costs of the audit.
(e) The fiscal body of each participating unit shall approve an interlocal agreement created under IC 36-1-7 establishing the terms for the administration of the regional venture capital fund. The terms must include the following:
(1) The membership of the governing board.
(2) The amount of each unit's contribution to the fund.
(3) The procedures and criteria under which the governing board may loan or grant money from the fund.
(4) The procedures for the dissolution of the fund and for the distribution of money remaining in the fund at the time of the dissolution.
(f) An interlocal agreement made by the participating units under subsection (e) must provide that:
(1) each of the participating units is represented by at least one (1) member of the governing board; and
(2) the membership of the governing board is established on a bipartisan basis so that the number of the members of the governing board who are members of one (1) political party may not exceed the number of members of the governing board required to establish a quorum.
(g) A majority of the governing board constitutes a quorum, and the concurrence of a majority of the governing board is necessary to authorize any action.
(h) An interlocal agreement made by the participating units under subsection (e) must be submitted to the Indiana economic development corporation for approval before the participating units may contribute to the fund.
(i) A majority of members of a governing board of a regional venture capital fund established under this section must have at least five (5) years of experience in business, finance, or venture capital.
(j) The governing board of the fund may loan or grant money from the fund to a private or public entity if the governing board finds that the loan or grant will be used by the borrower or grantee for at least one (1) of the following economic development purposes:
(1) To promote significant employment opportunities for the residents of the units participating in the regional venture capital fund.
(2) To attract a major new business enterprise to a participating unit.
(3) To develop, retain, or expand a significant business enterprise in a participating unit.
(k) The expenditures of a borrower or grantee of money from a regional venture capital fund that are considered to be for an economic development purpose include expenditures for any of the following:
(1) Research and development of technology.
(2) Job training and education.
(3) Acquisition of property interests.
(4) Infrastructure improvements.
(5) New buildings or structures.
(6) Rehabilitation, renovation, or enlargement of buildings or structures.
(7) Machinery, equipment, and furnishings.
(8) Funding small business development with respect to:
(A) prototype products or processes;
(B) marketing studies to determine the feasibility of new products or processes; or
(C) business plans for the development and production of new products or processes.
As added by P.L.243-2015, SEC.10. Amended by P.L.188-2016, SEC.7; P.L.197-2016, SEC.68; P.L.85-2017, SEC.28.