Indiana Code
Chapter 1. Purpose; Application; Transitional Provisions
6-3.6-1-6. Continuation of Rights; Duties; Obligations; Proceedings; Liabilities; Bonds and Leases

Sec. 6. A pledge of a tax described in section 3 of this chapter for the payment of bonds, leases, or other expenditures shall be treated as a pledge of the related tax under this article for the same purpose. Notwithstanding the repeal of IC 6-3.5-1.1, IC 6-3.5-1.5, IC 6-3.5-6, and IC 6-3.5-7 and the enactment of this article, any pledge of revenues received from a tax imposed under any of the provisions of IC 6-3.5-1.1, IC 6-3.5-1.5, IC 6-3.5-6, and IC 6-3.5-7 (prior to their repeal) to the payment, in whole or in part, of:
(1) the principal of and interest on bonds;
(2) lease rentals due under a lease; and
(3) the payment of any other obligation;
is binding and enforceable and remains in full force and effect as long as the principal of and interest on any bonds, the lease rentals due under any lease, or the payment of any obligation remains unpaid. The enactment of this article does not affect any rights, duties, obligations, proceedings, or liabilities accrued before January 1, 2017. Those rights, duties, obligations, proceedings, or liabilities continue and shall be imposed and enforced under prior law as if this article had not been enacted and the prior law had not been repealed.
As added by P.L.243-2015, SEC.10.