Indiana Code
Chapter 34. Redevelopment Tax Credit
6-3.1-34-14. Credit Assignment

Sec. 14.(a) If a taxpayer is awarded a credit under this chapter before July 1, 2029, the taxpayer may assign any part of the credit that the taxpayer may claim under this chapter. A credit that is assigned under this subsection remains subject to this chapter.
(b) If a taxpayer assigns a part of a credit during a taxable year, the assignee may not subsequently assign all or part of the credit to another taxpayer. A taxpayer may make only one (1) assignment of a credit. Before a credit may be assigned, the taxpayer must notify the corporation of the assignment of the credit in the manner prescribed by the corporation. An assignment of a credit must be in writing, and both the taxpayer and assignee shall report the assignment on the taxpayer's and assignee's state tax returns for the year in which the assignment is made, in the manner prescribed by the department. A taxpayer may not receive value in connection with an assignment under this section that exceeds the value of that part of the credit assigned.
(c) The corporation shall collect and compile data on the assignments of tax credits under this chapter and determine the effectiveness of each assignment in getting projects completed. The corporation shall report its findings under this subsection to the legislative council in an electronic format under IC 5-14-6 before November 1, 2022.
As added by P.L.158-2019, SEC.29. Amended by P.L.154-2020, SEC.26.