Indiana Code
Chapter 29. Coal Gasification Technology Investment Tax Credit
6-3.1-29-6. "Integrated Coal Gasification Powerplant"

Sec. 6. As used in this chapter, "integrated coal gasification powerplant" means a facility that satisfies all the following requirements:
(1) The facility is located in Indiana and is a newly constructed energy generating plant.
(2) The facility converts coal into synthesis gas that can be used as a fuel to generate energy or as a substitute for natural gas.
(3) The facility uses the synthesis gas as a fuel to generate electric energy or produces synthesis gas that can be used as a substitute for natural gas.
(4) The facility is dedicated primarily to production of electricity or gas for use by energy utilities serving Indiana retail electric or gas utility consumers.
As added by P.L.191-2005, SEC.15. Amended by P.L.175-2007, SEC.4.