Indiana Code
Chapter 1. Definitions; Priority of Credits
6-3.1-1-5. Riverboat Building Tax Credit Allowed Despite Repeal of Tax Credit Statute if Qualified Investments Certified Before January 1, 2015

Sec. 5. (a) As used in this section, "qualified taxpayer" means a taxpayer whose proposed costs to build or refurbish a riverboat are certified before January 1, 2015, as qualified investments under IC 6-3.1-17 (before its repeal) by the Indiana economic development corporation.
(b) A qualified taxpayer may claim a tax credit for the taxable year in which the qualified investment described in subsection (a) is made regardless of whether the qualified investment is made in a taxable year beginning after December 31, 2014, as if IC 6-3.1-17 had not been repealed.
(c) To receive the credit allowed under this section, a qualified taxpayer must claim the credit on the qualified taxpayer's state tax return or returns in the manner prescribed by the department. The qualified taxpayer shall submit to the department the certification of credit by the Indiana economic development corporation, proof of payment of the certified qualified investment, and all information that the department determines is necessary for the calculation of the credit provided under IC 6-3.1-17 (before its repeal) and for the determination of whether an investment cost is a qualified investment cost.
(d) The amount of tax credits allowed under this section may not exceed one million dollars ($1,000,000) in a state fiscal year.
(e) The department shall record the time of filing of each application for allowance of a credit under subsection (c) and shall approve the applications, if they otherwise qualify for a tax credit under IC 6-3.1-17 (before its repeal), in the chronological order in which the applications are filed in the state fiscal year.
(f) When the total credits approved under this section equal the maximum amount allowable in a state fiscal year, no application thereafter filed for that same fiscal year shall be approved. However, if an applicant for whom a credit has been approved fails to file the statement of proof of payment required under subsection (c), an amount equal to the credit previously allowed or set aside for the applicant may be allowed to any subsequent applicant in the year. In addition, the department may, if the applicant so requests, approve a credit application, in whole or in part, with respect to the next succeeding state fiscal year.
As added by P.L.190-2014, SEC.15.