Indiana Code
Chapter 15. Gross Retail and Use Tax Exemption for Data Center Equipment
6-2.5-15-15. Requirement for Qualified Data Center User to Enter Into an Agreement With the Corporation; Required Provisions

Sec. 15. The following apply if the corporation approves an application for a specific transaction award certificate:
(1) The corporation shall require the qualified data center user to enter into an agreement with the corporation as a condition of receiving a specific transaction award certificate under this chapter.
(2) The agreement with the corporation must include:
(A) a detailed description of the project that is the subject of the agreement;
(B) the duration of the specific transaction award certificate and the first taxable year for which the award provided by this chapter may be used; and
(C) a requirement that the qualified data center user annually report to the corporation on the amount of taxes that were not paid by the qualified data center user in connection with the purchase of data center equipment.
As added by P.L.256-2019, SEC.2.