Indiana Code
Chapter 8. Taxation of Public Utility Companies
6-1.1-8-27. Certification of Assessed Value; Notification of Appeal; Review by County Assessor; Exemption for Certain Broadband Assets

Sec. 27. (a) On or before July 1, for years ending before January 1, 2017, and on or before June 15 for years beginning after December 31, 2016, the department of local government finance shall certify to the county assessor and the county auditor of each county the distributable property assessed values which the department determines are distributable to the taxing districts of the county. In addition, if a public utility company has appealed the department of local government finance's assessment of the company's distributable property, the department shall notify the county auditor of the appeal.
(b) The county assessor shall review the department of local government finance's certification under subsection (a) to determine if any of a public utility company's property which has a definite situs in the county has been omitted. The county auditor shall enter for taxation the assessed valuation of a public utility company's distributable property which the department distributes to a taxing district of the county.
(c) The county assessor may exempt designated infrastructure development zone broadband assets. This includes the eligible broadband infrastructure assets located in a designated infrastructure development zone of a centrally assessed telephone company or cable company (as defined in section 2(15) of this chapter).
(d) A centrally assessed telephone company or cable company (as defined in section 2(15) of this chapter) that makes eligible infrastructure investments in a designated infrastructure development zone established under the provisions of IC 6-1.1-12.5-5 in facilities and technologies used:
(1) in the deployment and transmission of broadband service;
(2) in advanced services that increase the availability of broadband service;
(3) in advanced service; or
(4) under any combination of subdivisions (1), (2), or (3);
is exempt from property taxation as set forth under IC 6-1.1-12.5-5.
(e) Upon conclusion of the certification process by the department of local government finance under this section, the centrally assessed telephone company or cable company (as defined in section 2(15) of this chapter) shall produce and submit, not later than July 1 of each assessment year, an annual report to the county assessor that includes sufficient information necessary for the county assessor or county auditor to identify the broadband infrastructure investments that are eligible to be exempt from property taxes.
(f) The county auditor shall reduce the department of local government finance's certified values for each applicable state assessed personal property record that qualifies for the exemption prior to the certification of the county's net assessed values to the department. This shall include the certified values for the centrally assessed telephone company or cable company (as defined in section 2(15) of this chapter.
[Pre-1975 Property Tax Recodification Citations: 6-1-44-11 part; 6-1-44-15 part.]
Formerly: Acts 1975, P.L.47, SEC.1. As amended by P.L.90-2002, SEC.78; P.L.256-2003, SEC.2; P.L.111-2014, SEC.18; P.L.148-2015, SEC.3; P.L.174-2022, SEC.10.

Structure Indiana Code

Indiana Code

Title 6. Taxation

Article 1.1. Property Taxes

Chapter 8. Taxation of Public Utility Companies

6-1.1-8-1. Property Owned or Used by Public Utility Company

6-1.1-8-2. Definitions

6-1.1-8-3. Companies Subject to Taxation; Exemptions

6-1.1-8-4. Companies Within and Partially Outside State; Tax Determinations

6-1.1-8-5. Fixed Property; Definite-Situs Distributable Property; Indefinite-Situs Distributable Property

6-1.1-8-6. Bridge Companies

6-1.1-8-7. Bus Companies

6-1.1-8-8. Express Companies

6-1.1-8-9. Light, Heat, or Power Companies

6-1.1-8-10. Pipe Line Companies

6-1.1-8-11. Railroad Companies

6-1.1-8-12. Railcar Companies

6-1.1-8-12.5. Repealed

6-1.1-8-13. Sleeping Car Companies

6-1.1-8-14. Street Railway Companies

6-1.1-8-15. Telephone, Telegraph, or Cable Companies

6-1.1-8-16. Tunnel Companies

6-1.1-8-17. Water Distribution Companies

6-1.1-8-18. Other Companies

6-1.1-8-19. Statement of Value and Description of Property; Filing Deadline; Filing Amended Statements

6-1.1-8-20. Failure to File Statement; Penalty; Action by Attorney General

6-1.1-8-21. Copies of Various Reports; Requests From Department of Local Government Finance

6-1.1-8-22. Assessment by Department of Local Government Finance; Subsequent Filing of Statements by the Public Utility

6-1.1-8-23. Repealed

6-1.1-8-24. Township Assessor or County Assessor Determination of Assessed Values

6-1.1-8-24.5. Solar Land Base Rates; Determination and Release

6-1.1-8-25. Assessment of Distributable Property

6-1.1-8-25.5. New Fixed Property Assessments; Notification

6-1.1-8-26. Valuation of Company Property

6-1.1-8-27. Certification of Assessed Value; Notification of Appeal; Review by County Assessor; Exemption for Certain Broadband Assets

6-1.1-8-28. Tentative Assessment by the Department; Appeal Opportunity

6-1.1-8-29. Preliminary Conference; Notice of Final Assessment

6-1.1-8-30. Appeal to Indiana Board; Appeal to Tax Court

6-1.1-8-31. Appeal of Final Judgment; Court Procedure

6-1.1-8-32. Setting Aside Final Determination; Grounds

6-1.1-8-33. Appeal of Township or County Assessor's Assessment of Fixed Property

6-1.1-8-34. Rate of Tax; Time of Payment

6-1.1-8-35. Indefinite-Situs Distributable Property of Railcar Companies; Distributable Property of Certain Railroads; Computation of Tax; Disposition of Tax Proceeds

6-1.1-8-35.1. Repealed

6-1.1-8-35.2. Retention and Use of Certain Funds Under Section 35 of This Chapter by Commuter Transportation District

6-1.1-8-36. Payment of Taxes Regardless of Pending Appeal; Injunction; Reassessment of Distributable Property

6-1.1-8-37. Reassessment of Distributable Property; Refunds or Taxes Due

6-1.1-8-38. Lien; Collection of Delinquent Taxes; Penalties

6-1.1-8-39. Omitted Property; Assessment

6-1.1-8-40. Omitted Property; Rate of Assessment; Interest

6-1.1-8-41. Valuation Methods Used in Other States

6-1.1-8-42. Rules and Regulations; Promulgation

6-1.1-8-43. Purpose of Chapter; Conflicting Provisions

6-1.1-8-44. Reinstatement of Utility Property Rules; Prohibition Against Amendment of Certain Rules by Department of Local Government Finance