Indiana Code
Chapter 6.7. Assessment of Filter Strips
6-1.1-6.7-6. Application; Form and Contents

Sec. 6. (a) A person who wishes to have a parcel of land classified as a filter strip must file an application with the county surveyor on the forms prescribed by the county surveyor. The application must include the following items:
(1) The plats referred to in section 4 of this chapter.
(2) The assessment required under section 5 of this chapter entered in ink by the county assessor.
(3) The signatures of the owner, the professional surveyor (if a professional surveyor is used), the county surveyor, and the county assessor.
(4) A letter of concurrence in the classification from the soil and water conservation district in which the land is located.
(b) If an error or omission affecting the eligibility of the application is discovered by the county surveyor or county assessor, the county surveyor or county assessor shall promptly notify the applicant of the deficiency and allow the applicant to amend the application.
As added by P.L.55-1991, SEC.1. Amended by P.L.53-1997, SEC.4; P.L.57-2013, SEC.6.

Structure Indiana Code

Indiana Code

Title 6. Taxation

Article 1.1. Property Taxes

Chapter 6.7. Assessment of Filter Strips

6-1.1-6.7-1. "Filter Strip" Defined

6-1.1-6.7-2. Classification of Parcels for Assessment as Filter Strips

6-1.1-6.7-3. Requirements for Classification as Filter Strip

6-1.1-6.7-4. Surveyor Description of Parcel; Plats; Photographs

6-1.1-6.7-5. Assessment of Parcel; Appeal

6-1.1-6.7-6. Application; Form and Contents

6-1.1-6.7-7. Approval of Application; Notice

6-1.1-6.7-8. Recordation of Approved Application

6-1.1-6.7-9. Assessment Rate of Filter Strips; Adjustment; Ditch Assessments

6-1.1-6.7-10. Mineral Production on Land Classified as Filter Strip; Assessment

6-1.1-6.7-11. Management of Filter Strip Land

6-1.1-6.7-12. Signs

6-1.1-6.7-13. Inspection of Parcels

6-1.1-6.7-14. Withdrawal of Land From Filter Strip Classification; Owner Request

6-1.1-6.7-15. Withdrawal of Land From Filter Strip Classification; County Surveyor Findings

6-1.1-6.7-16. Assessment of Land Following Withdrawal; Appeal

6-1.1-6.7-17. Withdrawal of Land by County Surveyor; Notice

6-1.1-6.7-18. Payment Upon Withdrawal of Land; Lien

6-1.1-6.7-19. Conveyance of Filter Strip Land

6-1.1-6.7-20. Expenses

6-1.1-6.7-21. Annual Report

6-1.1-6.7-22. Prohibited Acts Upon Filter Strip Lands

6-1.1-6.7-23. Reconstruction of Drains; Withdrawal Assessment

6-1.1-6.7-24. County Drainage Boards; Establishment and Vegetation of Filter Strips

6-1.1-6.7-25. County Surveyor Advice and Assistance for Establishment and Maintenance of Filter Strips