Indiana Code
Chapter 5. Real Property Assessment Records
6-1.1-5-15. Assessment Registration Notices; Building Permits

Sec. 15. (a) Except as provided in subsection (b), before an owner of real property demolishes, structurally modifies, or improves it at a cost of more than five hundred dollars ($500) for materials or labor, or both, the owner or the owner's agent shall file with the area plan commission or the county assessor in the county where the property is located an assessment registration notice on a form prescribed by the department of local government finance.
(b) If the owner of the real property, or the person performing the work for the owner, is required to obtain a permit from an agency or official of the state or a political subdivision for the demolition, structural modification, or improvement, the owner or the person performing the work for the owner is not required to file an assessment registration notice.
(c) Each state or local government official or agency shall, before the tenth day of each month, deliver a copy of each permit described in subsection (b) to the assessor of the county in which the real property to be improved is situated. Each area plan commission shall, before the tenth day of each month, deliver a copy of each assessment registration notice described in subsection (a) to the assessor of the county where the property is located.
(d) Before the last day of each month, the county assessor shall distribute a copy of each assessment registration notice filed under subsection (a) or permit received under subsection (b) to the assessor of the township (if any) in which the real property to be demolished, modified, or improved is situated.
(e) A fee of five dollars ($5) shall be charged by the area plan commission or the county assessor for the filing of the assessment registration notice. All fees collected under this subsection shall be deposited in the county property reassessment fund.
(f) A township or county assessor shall immediately notify the county treasurer if the assessor discovers property that has been improved or structurally modified at a cost of more than five hundred dollars ($500) and the owner of the property has failed to obtain the required building permit or to file an assessment registration notice.
(g) Any person who fails to:
(1) file the registration notice required by subsection (a); or
(2) obtain a building permit described in subsection (b);
before demolishing, structurally modifying, or improving real property is subject to a civil penalty of one hundred dollars ($100). The county treasurer shall include the penalty on the person's property tax statement and collect it in the same manner as delinquent personal property taxes under IC 6-1.1-23. However, if a person files a late registration notice, the person shall pay the fee, if any, and the penalty to the area plan commission or the county assessor at the time the person files the late registration notice.
As added by P.L.74-1987, SEC.3. Amended by P.L.332-1989(ss), SEC.5; P.L.41-1993, SEC.6; P.L.90-2002, SEC.51; P.L.228-2005, SEC.15; P.L.146-2008, SEC.93.