Indiana Code
Chapter 46. County Option Deduction for Land Bank Transferees
6-1.1-46-6. Annual Reports to County Auditor

Sec. 6. (a) If an ordinance adopted under section 2 of this chapter is in effect in a county, each land bank that is located in the county shall transmit a report to the county auditor before February 1 of each assessment year in the deduction allowance period in the manner prescribed by the county auditor that provides the information specified in subsection (b) for each property transferred by the land bank:
(1) after the later of:
(A) the date on which the eligible transfer period began; or
(B) January 1 of the fifth year immediately preceding the year in which the report is due; and
(2) before the earlier of:
(A) the termination date of the eligible transfer period as specified in an ordinance adopted under section 4 of this chapter, if any; or
(B) January 1 of the year in which the report is due.
(b) For each item of real property included in a report required under subsection (a), a land bank shall furnish the following information:
(1) The date on which the real property was transferred.
(2) The person to whom the land bank transferred the real property.
(3) The street address of the real property, if any.
(4) The key number of the real property.
As added by P.L.110-2017, SEC.1.