Indiana Code
Chapter 40. Maritime Opportunity Districts
6-1.1-40-11. Application for Deduction; Review; Change of Ownership

Sec. 11. (a) A person that desires to obtain the deduction provided by section 10 of this chapter must file a certified deduction application, on forms prescribed by the department of local government finance, with:
(1) the auditor of the county in which the new manufacturing equipment is located; and
(2) the department of local government finance.
A person that timely files a personal property return under IC 6-1.1-3-7(a) for the year in which the new manufacturing equipment is installed must file the application between January 1 and May 15 of that year.
(b) The application required by this section must contain the following information:
(1) The name of the owner of the new manufacturing equipment.
(2) A description of the new manufacturing equipment.
(3) Proof of the date the new manufacturing equipment was installed.
(4) The amount of the deduction claimed for the first year of the deduction.
(c) A deduction application must be filed under this section in the year in which the new manufacturing equipment is installed and in each of the immediately succeeding nine (9) years.
(d) The department of local government finance shall review and verify the correctness of each application and shall notify the county auditor of the county in which the property is located that the application is approved or denied or that the amount of the deduction is altered. Upon notification of approval of the application or of alteration of the amount of the deduction, the county auditor shall make the deduction.
(e) If the ownership of new manufacturing equipment changes, the deduction provided under section 10 of this chapter continues to apply to that equipment if the new owner:
(1) continues to use the equipment in compliance with any standards established under section 7(c) of this chapter; and
(2) files the applications required by this section.
(f) The amount of the deduction is:
(1) the percentage under section 10 of this chapter that would have applied if the ownership of the property had not changed; multiplied by
(2) the assessed value of the equipment for the year the deduction is claimed by the new owner.
As added by P.L.62-1988, SEC.1. Amended by P.L.1-1993, SEC.37; P.L.198-2001, SEC.94; P.L.146-2008, SEC.301; P.L.245-2015, SEC.16; P.L.203-2016, SEC.17.