Indiana Code
Chapter 34. Determination of School Assessment Ratios and Adjustment Factors
6-1.1-34-9. Department of Local Government Finance; Powers and Duties

Sec. 9. In order to perform the duties assigned to it under this chapter, the department of local government finance:
(1) shall conduct continuing studies of all property which is subject to assessment in this state;
(2) may request access to all local and state official records;
(3) may secure information from the federal government or from public or private agencies;
(4) may inspect a person's books, records, or property if the item is relevant to information which the department needs in order to implement this chapter; and
(5) may adopt appropriate forms and procedures.
[Pre-1975 Property Tax Recodification Citations: 6-1-66-2 part; 6-1-66-3 part.]
Formerly: Acts 1975, P.L.47, SEC.1. As amended by P.L.90-2002, SEC.244.