Indiana Code
Chapter 33.5. Department of Local Government Finance Division of Data Analysis
6-1.1-33.5-4. Powers of Division

Sec. 4. To perform its duties, the division of data analysis may do the following:
(1) Request access to any local or state official records.
(2) Secure information from the federal government or from public or private agencies.
(3) Inspect a person's books, records, or property.
(4) Conduct a review of either all or a random sampling of personal or real property assessments.
(5) Employ professional appraisal firms to assist in making test checks of property valuations.
(6) Recommend changes in property tax administration.
(7) Use any other device or technique to equalize tax burdens or to implement this chapter.
As added by P.L.198-2001, SEC.82.