Indiana Code
Chapter 31.5. Computer Specifications
6-1.1-31.5-2.5. Improvements; Application of Deductions and Exemptions

Sec. 2.5. (a) Except as provided in subsection (b), for purposes of attributing the amount of:
(1) a property tax deduction under IC 6-1.1-12;
(2) an economic revitalization area deduction under IC 6-1.1-12.1;
(3) an investment deduction under IC 6-1.1-12.4; or
(4) a property tax exemption under IC 6-1.1-10;
to the gross assessed value of a property, a deduction or exemption described in subdivisions (1) through (4) that is specific to an improvement shall be applied only to the assessed value allocation pertaining to that improvement.
(b) To the extent that a deduction or exemption amount is not specific to an improvement, the deduction or exemption amount shall be applied to the gross assessed value of the property in the order that will maximize the benefit of the deduction or exemption to the taxpayer.
As added by P.L.257-2019, SEC.64.