Indiana Code
Chapter 31. Department of Local Government Finance─adoption of Rules, Forms, and Returns
6-1.1-31-3. Information Considered in Preparation of Rules, Regulations, Property Tax Forms, and Property Tax Returns

Sec. 3. In the preparation of rules, regulations, property tax forms, and property tax returns, the department of local government finance may consider:
(1) data compiled by the federal government;
(2) data compiled by this state and its taxing authorities;
(3) data compiled and studies made by a state college or university;
(4) generally accepted practices of appraisers, including generally accepted property assessment valuation and mass appraisal principles and practices;
(5) generally accepted indices of construction costs;
(6) for assessment dates after February 28, 2001, generally accepted indices of income accruing from real property;
(7) sales data compiled for generally comparable properties; and
(8) any other information which is available to the department of local government finance.
[Pre-1975 Property Tax Recodification Citation: 6-1-33-6 part.]
Formerly: Acts 1975, P.L.47, SEC.1. As amended by P.L.6-1997, SEC.102; P.L.90-2002, SEC.219; P.L.1-2004, SEC.38 and P.L.23-2004, SEC.41.