Indiana Code
Chapter 3. Procedures for Personal Property Assessment
6-1.1-3-7.5. Amended Returns; Tax Adjustments; Credits

Sec. 7.5. (a) A taxpayer may file an amended personal property tax return, in conformity with the rules adopted by the department of local government finance, not more than six (6) months, if the filing date for the original personal property tax return is before May 15, 2011, or twelve (12) months, if the filing date for the original personal property tax return is after May 14, 2011, after the later of the following:
(1) The filing date for the original personal property tax return, if the taxpayer is not granted an extension in which to file under section 7 of this chapter.
(2) The extension date for the original personal property tax return, if the taxpayer is granted an extension under section 7 of this chapter.
(b) A tax adjustment related to an amended personal property tax return shall be made in conformity with rules adopted under IC 4-22-2 by the department of local government finance.
(c) If a taxpayer wishes to correct an error made by the taxpayer on the taxpayer's original personal property tax return, the taxpayer must file an amended personal property tax return under this section within the time required by subsection (a). A taxpayer may claim on an amended personal property tax return any adjustment or exemption that would have been allowable under any statute or rule adopted by the department of local government finance if the adjustment or exemption had been claimed on the original personal property tax return.
(d) Notwithstanding any other provision, if:
(1) a taxpayer files an amended personal property tax return under this section in order to correct an error made by the taxpayer on the taxpayer's original personal property tax return; and
(2) the taxpayer is entitled to a refund of personal property taxes paid by the taxpayer under the original personal property tax return;
the taxpayer is not entitled to interest on the refund.
(e) If a taxpayer files an amended personal property tax return for a year before July 16 of that year, the taxpayer shall pay taxes payable in the immediately succeeding year based on the assessed value reported on the amended return.
(f) If a taxpayer files an amended personal property tax return for a year after July 15 of that year, the taxpayer shall pay taxes payable in the immediately succeeding year based on the assessed value reported on the taxpayer's original personal property tax return. Subject to subsection (l), a taxpayer that paid taxes under this subsection is entitled to a credit in the amount of taxes paid by the taxpayer on the remainder of:
(1) the assessed value reported on the taxpayer's original personal property tax return; minus
(2) the finally determined assessed value that results from the filing of the taxpayer's amended personal property tax return.
Except as provided in subsection (k), the county auditor may apply the credit against the taxpayer's property taxes on personal property payable in the year or years that immediately succeed the year in which the taxes were paid, as applicable. The county is not required to pay interest on any amounts that a taxpayer is entitled to receive as a credit under this section.
(g) A county auditor may carry a credit to which the taxpayer is entitled under subsection (f) forward to the immediately succeeding year or years, as applicable, and use the credit against the taxpayer's property taxes on personal property as follows:
(1) If the amount of the credit to which the taxpayer is initially entitled under subsection (f) does not exceed twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000), the county auditor may carry the credit forward to the year immediately succeeding the year in which the taxes were paid.
(2) If the amount of the credit to which the taxpayer is initially entitled under subsection (f) exceeds twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000), the county auditor may carry the credit forward for not more than three (3) consecutive years immediately succeeding the year in which the taxes were paid.
The credit is reduced each time the credit is applied to the taxpayer's property taxes on personal property in succeeding years by the amount applied.
(h) If an excess credit remains after the credit is applied in the final year to which the credit may be carried forward under subsection (g), the county auditor shall refund to the taxpayer the amount of any excess credit that remains after application of the credit under subsection (g) not later than December 31 of the final year to which the excess credit may be carried.
(i) The taxpayer is not required to file an application for:
(1) a credit under subsection (f) or (g); or
(2) a refund under subsection (h).
(j) Before August 1 of each year, the county auditor shall provide to each taxing unit in the county an estimate of the total amount of the credits under subsection (f) or (g) that will be applied against taxes imposed by the taxing unit that are payable in the immediately succeeding year.
(k) A county auditor may refund a credit amount to a taxpayer before the time the credit would otherwise be applied against property tax payments under this section.
(l) If a person:
(1) files an amended personal property tax return more than six (6) months, but less than twelve (12) months, after the filing date or (if the taxpayer is granted an extension under section 7 of this chapter) the extension date for the original personal property tax return being amended; and
(2) is entitled to a credit or refund as a result of the amended return;
the county auditor shall reduce the credit or refund payable to the person. The amount of the reduction is ten percent (10%) of the credit or refund amount.
As added by P.L.6-1997, SEC.8. Amended by P.L.198-2001, SEC.6; P.L.90-2002, SEC.23; P.L.172-2011, SEC.26; P.L.111-2014, SEC.6; P.L.148-2015, SEC.1.

Structure Indiana Code

Indiana Code

Title 6. Taxation

Article 1.1. Property Taxes

Chapter 3. Procedures for Personal Property Assessment

6-1.1-3-1. Residents and Nonresidents; Place of Assessment; Evidence of Filing

6-1.1-3-1.5. "Filing Date"

6-1.1-3-2. Property Held by Trustee, Party, or Receiver

6-1.1-3-2.5. Like Kind Exchanges of Depreciable Personal Property

6-1.1-3-3. Estate of Deceased Individuals

6-1.1-3-4. Conflicts Involving Assessment Location; Settlement

6-1.1-3-5. Assessment Books and Blanks; Delivery

6-1.1-3-6. Return; Notification to Taxpayer

6-1.1-3-7. Filing Returns; Extension of Time; Consolidated Returns

6-1.1-3-7-b. Filing Returns; Extension of Time; Consolidated Returns; Churches and Religious Societies

6-1.1-3-7.2. Exemption for Certain Business Personal Property With Acquisition Cost Less Than $80,000; Information Required on Return

6-1.1-3-7.2-b. Exemption for Certain Business Personal Property With Acquisition Cost Less Than $80,000; Information Required on Return

6-1.1-3-7.3. Repealed

6-1.1-3-7.5. Amended Returns; Tax Adjustments; Credits

6-1.1-3-8. Vending Machine Owners

6-1.1-3-9. Return; Necessary Information

6-1.1-3-10. Property Located in Two or More Townships; Additional Returns

6-1.1-3-11. Repealed

6-1.1-3-12. Repealed

6-1.1-3-13. Repealed

6-1.1-3-14. Verification of Returns

6-1.1-3-15. Failure to File Return; Alternative Assessment Procedures; Election to File

6-1.1-3-16. Property Converted for Tax Avoidance; Assessment

6-1.1-3-17. Assessment List; Certification to County Auditor

6-1.1-3-18. Reports to County Assessors and Auditors; Copies of Returns

6-1.1-3-19. Information Available to County Assessor and County Property Tax Assessment Board of Appeals

6-1.1-3-20. Change in Valuation; Notice

6-1.1-3-21. Preservation of Records; Inspection

6-1.1-3-22. Personal Property Tax Rules; Prohibition Against Amendment of Certain Rules; Voided Rules

6-1.1-3-22.5. Personal Property Tax; Depreciable Property; Year of Acquisition

6-1.1-3-23. General Assembly Findings; Election of Valuation Method for Special Integrated Steel Mill or Oil Refinery; Petrochemical Equipment

6-1.1-3-23.5. Election of Valuation Method for Mini-Mill Equipment

6-1.1-3-24. Valuation; Outdoor Advertising Signs

6-1.1-3-25. Exemption From Valuation Limitations for Property Located in Entrepreneur and Enterprise District

6-1.1-3-26. Online Portal for Personal Property Tax Returns; Disclosure of Information; Reviewing Information; Calculating Payment of Any Fee

6-1.1-3-27. Fees

6-1.1-3-28. Personal Property Online Submission Portal Fund