Indiana Code
Chapter 24.5. Determination of Serial Tax Delinquencies
6-1.1-24.5-3. Petition Elements

Sec. 3. A petition filed with a court under this chapter must include all of the following:
(1) The legal description and parcel or property number for each of the tracts or items of real property.
(2) A statement that the tracts or items of real property that are the subject of the petition are located within the petitioner's territory.
(3) For each tract or item of real property that is the subject of the petition, the names of the persons who own the tract or item of real property. If the petitioner is alleging that the tracts or items of real property are owned by a group of affiliated persons, the petitioner must also specify each person's affiliation with at least one (1) other person in the group of affiliated persons.
(4) A statement that each owner of record of a tract or item of real property that is the subject of the petition:
(A) acquired the tract or item of real property in one (1) or more tax sales; and
(B) subsequently received a deed for the real property.
(5) For each tract or item of real property that is the subject of the petition, the amounts of the delinquent property taxes and special assessments that are owed at the time the property is certified as eligible for tax sale under IC 6-1.1-24-1.
(6) A statement that the delinquent property taxes and special assessments are payable to the county treasurer.
(7) A statement that if:
(A) the delinquent property taxes and special assessments on the tracts or items of real property that are the subject of the petition; and
(B) the property taxes and special assessments that accrue after the property is certified as eligible for tax sale under IC 6-1.1-24-1;
are not paid on or before the appearance date and time, the petitioner will be entitled to an order directing the county auditor to issue a deed to each of the tracts or items of real property to the petitioner, without a right of redemption.
(8) A statement that if proof of payment of the total amount of delinquent property taxes and special assessments for all tracts or items of real property specified under subdivision (1) is tendered to the court on or before the appearance date and time, the court will dismiss the petition.
(9) If the petitioner is a city or town, a representation that the petitioner has furnished the county executive with a copy of the petition and the county executive consents to the requested relief.
As added by P.L.236-2015, SEC.3. Amended by P.L.183-2016, SEC.2.