Indiana Code
Chapter 22.5. Provisional Property Tax Statements
6-1.1-22.5-12. Form of Reconciling Statement; Information to Be Included on Statement; Request by County Treasurer to Issue Reconciling Statement Adjusting Second Installment; Use of Electronic Mail

Sec. 12. (a) Except as provided by subsection (c), each reconciling statement must be on a form prescribed by the department of local government finance and must indicate:
(1) the actual property tax liability under this article for the calendar year for which the reconciling statement is issued;
(2) the total amount paid under the provisional statement for the property for which the reconciling statement is issued;
(3) if the amount under subdivision (1) exceeds the amount under subdivision (2), that the excess is payable by the taxpayer:
(A) as a final reconciliation of the tax liability; and
(B) not later than:
(i) thirty (30) days after the date of the reconciling statement;
(ii) if the county treasurer requests in writing that the commissioner designate a later date, the date designated by the commissioner; or
(iii) the date specified in an ordinance adopted under section 18.5 of this chapter; and
(4) if the amount under subdivision (2) exceeds the amount under subdivision (1), that the taxpayer may claim a refund of the excess under IC 6-1.1-26.
(b) If, upon receipt of the abstract required by IC 6-1.1-22-5 or upon determination of the tax rate of the cross-county entity referred to in section 6.5 of this chapter, the county treasurer determines that it is possible to complete the:
(1) preparation; and
(2) mailing or transmittal;
of the reconciling statement at least thirty (30) days before the due date of the second installment specified in the provisional statement, the county treasurer may request in writing that the department of local government finance permit the county treasurer to issue a reconciling statement that adjusts the amount of the second installment that was specified in the provisional statement. If the department approves the county treasurer's request, the county treasurer shall prepare and mail or transmit the reconciling statement at least thirty (30) days before the due date of the second installment specified in the provisional statement.
(c) A reconciling statement prepared under subsection (b) must indicate:
(1) the actual property tax liability under this article for the calendar year for the property for which the reconciling statement is issued;
(2) the total amount of the first installment paid under the provisional statement for the property for which the reconciling statement is issued;
(3) if the amount under subdivision (1) exceeds the amount under subdivision (2), the adjusted amount of the second installment that is payable by the taxpayer:
(A) as a final reconciliation of the tax liability; and
(B) not later than:
(i) November 10; or
(ii) if the county treasurer requests in writing that the commissioner designate a later date, the date designated by the commissioner; and
(4) if the amount under subdivision (2) exceeds the amount under subdivision (1), that the taxpayer may claim a refund of the excess under IC 6-1.1-26.
(d) In a county in which an authorizing ordinance is adopted under IC 6-1.1-22-8.1(h), a person may direct the county treasurer to transmit a reconciling statement by electronic mail under IC 6-1.1-22-8.1(h).
(e) A reconciling statement may include any adjustment authorized by the department of local government finance under section 8(e) of this chapter and approved by the county treasurer.
As added by P.L.1-2004, SEC.37 and P.L.23-2004, SEC.40. Amended by P.L.219-2007, SEC.67; P.L.146-2008, SEC.254; P.L.87-2009, SEC.13; P.L.182-2009(ss), SEC.163; P.L.172-2011, SEC.46; P.L.13-2013, SEC.16.

Structure Indiana Code

Indiana Code

Title 6. Taxation

Article 1.1. Property Taxes

Chapter 22.5. Provisional Property Tax Statements

6-1.1-22.5-0.1. Application of Certain Amendments to Chapter

6-1.1-22.5-1. "Commissioner"

6-1.1-22.5-2. "Provisional Statement"

6-1.1-22.5-3. "Property Taxes"

6-1.1-22.5-4. "Reconciling Statement"

6-1.1-22.5-5. "Tax Liability"

6-1.1-22.5-6. Use of Provisional Statement Authorized; Notice to Taxpayers and County Fiscal Body; Transmitting of Statement by Electronic Mail

6-1.1-22.5-6.5. Use of Provisional Statement for Cross-County Area

6-1.1-22.5-7. Waiver by Department of Local Government Finance of Use of Provisional Statement; Procedure

6-1.1-22.5-8. Form of Provisional Statement; Information to Be Shown on Statement; Adjustments to Tax Liability

6-1.1-22.5-9. Tax Due Dates; Deadline to Send Statements; Amounts Due; Mailing of Statement Sent by Electronic Mail but Not Received; Petition to Extend Deadline

6-1.1-22.5-10. Notice of Tax Rates for Reconciling Statement

6-1.1-22.5-11. Notice and Transmission of Reconciling Statements by County Treasurer

6-1.1-22.5-12. Form of Reconciling Statement; Information to Be Included on Statement; Request by County Treasurer to Issue Reconciling Statement Adjusting Second Installment; Use of Electronic Mail

6-1.1-22.5-13. Payments to Be Made to County Treasurer

6-1.1-22.5-14. Settlement and Distribution of Tax Collections; Separate General Fund Account for Penalties; Use of Fund

6-1.1-22.5-15. Interest on Undistributed Tax Collections

6-1.1-22.5-16. Applicability of Review and Appeal Procedures to Provisional and Reconciling Statements

6-1.1-22.5-17. Applicability of Penalties to Provisional and Reconciling Statements

6-1.1-22.5-18. Treatment of Payments to Determine Delinquencies

6-1.1-22.5-18.5. Installment Payments; Tax Due on Reconciliation Statement

6-1.1-22.5-19. Supplementary Effect of Other Provisions

6-1.1-22.5-20. Department of Local Government Finance Emergency Rules to Take Into Account Certain Real Property Assessment Changes

6-1.1-22.5-21. Use of Parcel Carrier to Send Documents