Indiana Code
Chapter 14. Review of Assessments by the Department of Local Government Finance
6-1.1-14-12. Assessment Studies in Certain Townships; Review by Department of Local Government Finance

Sec. 12. (a) As part of the review under IC 6-1.1-33.5-3(4) and IC 6-1.1-33.5-3(5) of the coefficient of dispersion study and property sales assessment ratio study submitted by a county under 50 IAC 27-4-4, the department of local government finance shall conduct the review and analysis described in this section. In 2017 and in each year thereafter, a county shall submit the coefficient of dispersion study and property sales assessment ratio study to the department not later than March 1 of the year.
(b) The department shall:
(1) conduct its review and analysis for studies submitted in 2013 through 2017; and
(2) review and analyze only data and studies for property that is classified as improved residential property in townships having a population of more than one hundred thirty thousand (130,000).
(c) The department shall separate each township described in subsection (b) into four (4) comparable groups of parcels as determined by the department. The department shall:
(1) separately review and analyze for each group of parcels data used for the coefficient of dispersion study and the property sales assessment ratio study submitted by the county; and
(2) prepare a coefficient of dispersion study and a property sales assessment ratio study for each group of parcels.
As added by P.L.257-2013, SEC.5. Amended by P.L.184-2016, SEC.2.