Indiana Code
Chapter 13. Review of Current Assessments by County Property Tax Assessment Board of Appeals
6-1.1-13-7. Equalization Hearings

Sec. 7. If a county assessor proposes to change assessments under section 6 of this chapter, the property tax assessment board of appeals shall hold a hearing on the proposed changes before July 15 in the year in which the reassessment is to commence. It is sufficient notice of the hearing and of any changes in assessments ordered by the board subsequent to the hearing if the board gives notice by publication once either in:
(1) two (2) newspapers which represent different political parties and which are published in the county; or
(2) one (1) newspaper only, if two (2) newspapers which represent different political parties are not published in the county.
[Pre-1975 Property Tax Recodification Citation: 6-1-28-6 part.]
Formerly: Acts 1975, P.L.47, SEC.1. As amended by P.L.6-1997, SEC.66; P.L.112-2012, SEC.31.