Indiana Code
Chapter 10. Exemptions
6-1.1-10-48. Property Tax Exemption; Nonprofit Health, Fitness, Aquatics, and Community Center

Sec. 48. (a) This section applies to assessment dates occurring after December 31, 2016.
(b) Tangible property is exempt from property taxation if:
(1) it is owned by an Indiana nonprofit public benefit corporation exempt from taxation under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code;
(2) the property is used in the operation of a nonprofit health, fitness, aquatics, and community center; and
(3) funds for the acquisition and development of the property have been provided in part under the regional cities initiative of the Indiana economic development corporation under IC 5-28-38 (before its repeal).
(c) The property that is exempt under this section also includes any part of the property that is leased or licensed by the owner to another nonprofit or municipal entity for use as a nonprofit health, fitness, aquatics, or community center and property used for storage and parking.
(d) For purposes of this section, a tract of land and any improvements on the land are exempt from taxation if not more than four (4) years after the property is purchased, and for each year after the four (4) year period, the owner demonstrates substantial progress and active pursuit towards the use of the tract of land and any improvements on the tract as a nonprofit health, fitness, aquatics, and community center. To establish substantial progress and active pursuit under this subsection, the owner must prove the existence of factors such as the following:
(1) Organization of and activity by a building committee or other oversight group.
(2) Completion and filing of building plans with the appropriate local government authority.
(3) Cash reserves dedicated to the project of a sufficient amount to lead a reasonable individual to believe actual construction can and will begin within four (4) years.
(4) The breaking of ground and the beginning of actual construction.
(5) Any other factor that would lead a reasonable individual to believe that construction of the improvement is an active plan and that the improvement is capable of being completed within eight (8) years considering the circumstances of the owner.
(e) To the extent the owner of property that is exempt from taxation as provided in this section has paid any property taxes, penalties, or interest with respect to the property for the 2017 assessment date through the 2018 assessment date, the owner of the exempt property is entitled to a refund of the amounts paid on the exempt property. Notwithstanding the filing deadlines for a claim under IC 6-1.1-26, any claim for a refund filed by the owner of exempt property under this subsection before September 1, 2019, is considered timely filed. The county auditor shall pay the refund due under this subsection in one (1) installment.
(f) If a refund is due under subsection (e) to an owner of property that is exempt under this section, the owner is not entitled to interest on the refund under this article or any other law to the extent interest has not been paid by or on behalf of the owner.
As added by P.L.85-2019, SEC.3. Amended by P.L.165-2021, SEC.66.

Structure Indiana Code

Indiana Code

Title 6. Taxation

Article 1.1. Property Taxes

Chapter 10. Exemptions

6-1.1-10-1. United States Property

6-1.1-10-2. State Property; Property Leased to a State Agency

6-1.1-10-3. Bridges and Tangible Appurtenant Property

6-1.1-10-4. Political Subdivision Property

6-1.1-10-5. Municipal Property

6-1.1-10-5.5. Urban Homesteading Property

6-1.1-10-6. Municipally Owned Water Company Property

6-1.1-10-7. Nonprofit Water Companies

6-1.1-10-8. Nonprofit Sewage Disposal Company

6-1.1-10-9. Industrial Waste Control Facilities

6-1.1-10-10. Industrial Waste Control Facilities; Claiming Exemption; Industrial Waste Control Facility; How Owner Claims Exemption; Investigation; Determination; Potential Revocation of Determination Claim Allowed or Denied

6-1.1-10-11. Appeal of Industrial Waste Control Facility Exemption Determination

6-1.1-10-12. Stationary or Unlicensed Mobile Air Pollution Control System

6-1.1-10-13. Stationary or Unlicensed Mobile Air Pollution Control System; Claim for Exemption

6-1.1-10-14. Industrial Waste Control Facility; Stationary Air Purification System; Action on Exemption Claim Treated as Assessment

6-1.1-10-15. Public Airports

6-1.1-10-15.5. Commercial Passenger Aircraft; Resolution Required; Tenancy and Use Requirement; Term of Exemption

6-1.1-10-16. Exemption of Building, Land, and Personal Property Used for Various Purposes; Termination of Eligibility for Exemption

6-1.1-10-16.5. Nonprofit Corporation Property Located Under or Adjacent to Lake or Reservoir

6-1.1-10-16.7. Real Property Exemption; Expiration

6-1.1-10-16.8. Exemption of the Basement Area of Dwellings Located in a Flood Plain; Factors for the Exemption

6-1.1-10-17. Memorial Corporation Property

6-1.1-10-18. Nonprofit Corporations Supporting Fine Arts

6-1.1-10-18.5. Nonprofit Corporation Property Used in Operation of Health Facility or Home for the Aged

6-1.1-10-19. Public Libraries

6-1.1-10-20. Manual Labor, Technical, or Trade Schools; Colleges

6-1.1-10-21. Churches or Religious Societies; Attestation of Exempt Use

6-1.1-10-22. Dormitories of Church Colleges and Universities

6-1.1-10-23. Fraternal Benefit Associations

6-1.1-10-24. Fraternity or Sorority Property

6-1.1-10-25. Miscellaneous Organizations

6-1.1-10-26. County or District Agricultural Associations

6-1.1-10-26.5. Agricultural Organization; Land on Which a County Fair Is Conducted; Improvements; Personal Property

6-1.1-10-27. Cemetery Corporations

6-1.1-10-28. Free Medical Clinics

6-1.1-10-29. Repealed

6-1.1-10-29.3. Repealed

6-1.1-10-29.5. Repealed

6-1.1-10-30. Repealed

6-1.1-10-30.5. Repealed

6-1.1-10-31. Repealed

6-1.1-10-31.1. Repealed

6-1.1-10-31.4. Repealed

6-1.1-10-31.5. Repealed

6-1.1-10-31.6. Repealed

6-1.1-10-31.7. Repealed

6-1.1-10-32. Certain Exempt Property Under Control of Executor

6-1.1-10-33. Certain Exempt Property Under Control of Executor or Trustee

6-1.1-10-34. Contracts Relating to Certain Exempt Property; Unenforceability

6-1.1-10-35. School Lands; When Considered Sold

6-1.1-10-36. Repealed

6-1.1-10-36.3. Property Used or Occupied for One or More Stated Purposes; Applicability of Exemption; Limitations

6-1.1-10-36.5. Property of Exempt Organization Used in Nonexempt Trade or Business

6-1.1-10-37. Leases of Exempt Property; Effect

6-1.1-10-37.5. Common Areas in a Residential Development; Land; Improvements; Exemption Procedures; Review by the County Board

6-1.1-10-37.8. Homeowners Associations; Held for Use, Benefit, or Enjoyment of Members

6-1.1-10-38. Property Tax Exemption Provisions; Enumeration

6-1.1-10-39. Intangible Personal Property Exemptions

6-1.1-10-40. Repealed

6-1.1-10-41. Exempt Property Purchased Under Contract of Sale by Person Not Qualifying for Exemption

6-1.1-10-42. Small Business Incubator Program

6-1.1-10-43. Repealed

6-1.1-10-44. Enterprise Information Technology Equipment

6-1.1-10-45. Indiana Department of Transportation Signage

6-1.1-10-46. Property Tax Exemption; for Profit Early Childhood Education Provider

6-1.1-10-47. Property Tax Exemption; Certain Federally-Qualified Health Centers

6-1.1-10-48. Property Tax Exemption; Nonprofit Health, Fitness, Aquatics, and Community Center

6-1.1-10-49. Property Tax Exemption; Transportation Facility

6-1.1-10-50. Property Tax Exemption; Property Located in an Innovation Development District