Indiana Code
Chapter 13. Wagering Taxes
4-33-13-5-b. Disposition of Tax Revenue

Note: This version of section effective 4-1-2022. See also preceding version of this section, effective until 4-1-2022.
Sec. 5. (a) This subsection does not apply to tax revenue remitted by an operating agent operating a riverboat in a historic hotel district. After funds are appropriated under section 4 of this chapter, each month the auditor of state shall distribute the tax revenue deposited in the state gaming fund under this chapter to the following:
(1) An amount equal to the following shall be set aside for revenue sharing under subsection (d):
(A) Before July 1, 2021, the first thirty-three million dollars ($33,000,000) of tax revenues collected under this chapter shall be set aside for revenue sharing under subsection (d).
(B) After June 30, 2021, if the total adjusted gross receipts received by licensees from gambling games authorized under this article during the preceding state fiscal year is equal to or greater than the total adjusted gross receipts received by licensees from gambling games authorized under this article during the state fiscal year ending June 30, 2020, the first thirty-three million dollars ($33,000,000) of tax revenues collected under this chapter shall be set aside for revenue sharing under subsection (d).
(C) After June 30, 2021, if the total adjusted gross receipts received by licensees from gambling games authorized under this article during the preceding state fiscal year is less than the total adjusted gross receipts received by licensees from gambling games authorized under this article during the state year ending June 30, 2020, an amount equal to the first thirty-three million dollars ($33,000,000) of tax revenues collected under this chapter multiplied by the result of:
(i) the total adjusted gross receipts received by licensees from gambling games authorized under this article during the preceding state fiscal year; divided by
(ii) the total adjusted gross receipts received by licensees from gambling games authorized under this article during the state fiscal year ending June 30, 2020;
shall be set aside for revenue sharing under subsection (d).
(2) Subject to subsection (c), twenty-five percent (25%) of the remaining tax revenue remitted by each licensed owner shall be paid:
(A) to the city in which the riverboat is located or that is designated as the home dock of the riverboat from which the tax revenue was collected, in the case of:
(i) a city described in IC 4-33-12-6(b)(1)(A);
(ii) a city located in Lake County; or
(iii) Terre Haute; or
(B) to the county that is designated as the home dock of the riverboat from which the tax revenue was collected, in the case of a riverboat that is not located in a city described in clause (A) or whose home dock is not in a city described in clause (A).
(3) The remainder of the tax revenue remitted by each licensed owner shall be paid to the state general fund. In each state fiscal year, the auditor of state shall make the transfer required by this subdivision on or before the fifteenth day of the month based on revenue received during the preceding month for deposit in the state gaming fund. Specifically, the auditor of state may transfer the tax revenue received by the state in a month to the state general fund in the immediately following month according to this subdivision.
(b) This subsection applies only to tax revenue remitted by an operating agent operating a riverboat in a historic hotel district after June 30, 2019. After funds are appropriated under section 4 of this chapter, each month the auditor of state shall distribute the tax revenue remitted by the operating agent under this chapter as follows:
(1) For state fiscal years beginning after June 30, 2019, but ending before July 1, 2021, fifty-six and five-tenths percent (56.5%) shall be paid to the state general fund.
(2) For state fiscal years beginning after June 30, 2021, fifty-six and five-tenths percent (56.5%) shall be paid as follows:
(A) Sixty-six and four-tenths percent (66.4%) shall be paid to the state general fund.
(B) Thirty-three and six-tenths percent (33.6%) shall be paid to the West Baden Springs historic hotel preservation and maintenance fund established by IC 36-7-11.5-11(b). However, if:
(i) at any time the balance in that fund exceeds twenty-five million dollars ($25,000,000); or
(ii) in any part of a state fiscal year in which the operating agent has received at least one hundred million dollars ($100,000,000) of adjusted gross receipts;
the amount described in this clause shall be paid to the state general fund for the remainder of the state fiscal year.
(3) Forty-three and five-tenths percent (43.5%) shall be paid as follows:
(A) Twenty-two and four-tenths percent (22.4%) shall be paid as follows:
(i) Fifty percent (50%) to the fiscal officer of the town of French Lick.
(ii) Fifty percent (50%) to the fiscal officer of the town of West Baden Springs.
(B) Fourteen and eight-tenths percent (14.8%) shall be paid to the county treasurer of Orange County for distribution among the school corporations in the county. The governing bodies for the school corporations in the county shall provide a formula for the distribution of the money received under this clause among the school corporations by joint resolution adopted by the governing body of each of the school corporations in the county. Money received by a school corporation under this clause must be used to improve the educational attainment of students enrolled in the school corporation receiving the money. Not later than the first regular meeting in the school year of a governing body of a school corporation receiving a distribution under this clause, the superintendent of the school corporation shall submit to the governing body a report describing the purposes for which the receipts under this clause were used and the improvements in educational attainment realized through the use of the money. The report is a public record.
(C) Thirteen and one-tenth percent (13.1%) shall be paid to the county treasurer of Orange County.
(D) Five and three-tenths percent (5.3%) shall be distributed quarterly to the county treasurer of Dubois County for appropriation by the county fiscal body after receiving a recommendation from the county executive. The county fiscal body for the receiving county shall provide for the distribution of the money received under this clause to one (1) or more taxing units (as defined in IC 6-1.1-1-21) in the county under a formula established by the county fiscal body after receiving a recommendation from the county executive.
(E) Five and three-tenths percent (5.3%) shall be distributed quarterly to the county treasurer of Crawford County for appropriation by the county fiscal body after receiving a recommendation from the county executive. The county fiscal body for the receiving county shall provide for the distribution of the money received under this clause to one (1) or more taxing units (as defined in IC 6-1.1-1-21) in the county under a formula established by the county fiscal body after receiving a recommendation from the county executive.
(F) Six and thirty-five hundredths percent (6.35%) shall be paid to the fiscal officer of the town of Paoli.
(G) Six and thirty-five hundredths percent (6.35%) shall be paid to the fiscal officer of the town of Orleans.
(H) Twenty-six and four-tenths percent (26.4%) shall be paid to the Indiana economic development corporation established by IC 5-28-3-1 for transfer as follows:
(i) Beginning after December 31, 2017, ten percent (10%) of the amount transferred under this clause in each calendar year shall be transferred to the South Central Indiana Regional Economic Development Corporation or a successor entity or partnership for economic development for the purpose of recruiting new business to Orange County as well as promoting the retention and expansion of existing businesses in Orange County.
(ii) The remainder of the amount transferred under this clause in each calendar year shall be transferred to Radius Indiana or a successor regional entity or partnership for the development and implementation of a regional economic development strategy to assist the residents of Orange County and the counties contiguous to Orange County in improving their quality of life and to help promote successful and sustainable communities.
To the extent possible, the Indiana economic development corporation shall provide for the transfer under item (i) to be made in four (4) equal installments. However, an amount sufficient to meet current obligations to retire or refinance indebtedness or leases for which tax revenues under this section were pledged before January 1, 2015, by the Orange County development commission shall be paid to the Orange County development commission before making distributions to the South Central Indiana Regional Economic Development Corporation and Radius Indiana or their successor entities or partnerships. The amount paid to the Orange County development commission shall proportionally reduce the amount payable to the South Central Indiana Regional Economic Development Corporation and Radius Indiana or their successor entities or partnerships.
(c) This subsection does not apply to tax revenue remitted by an inland casino operating in Vigo County. For each city and county receiving money under subsection (a)(2), the auditor of state shall determine the total amount of money paid by the auditor of state to the city or county during the state fiscal year 2002. The amount determined is the base year revenue for the city or county. The auditor of state shall certify the base year revenue determined under this subsection to the city or county. The total amount of money distributed to a city or county under this section during a state fiscal year may not exceed the entity's base year revenue. For each state fiscal year, the auditor of state shall pay that part of the riverboat wagering taxes that:
(1) exceeds a particular city's or county's base year revenue; and
(2) would otherwise be due to the city or county under this section;
to the state general fund instead of to the city or county.
(d) Except as provided in subsections (k) and (l), before August 15 of each year, the auditor of state shall distribute the wagering taxes set aside for revenue sharing under subsection (a)(1) to the county treasurer of each county that does not have a riverboat according to the ratio that the county's population bears to the total population of the counties that do not have a riverboat. Except as provided in subsection (g), the county auditor shall distribute the money received by the county under this subsection as follows:
(1) To each city located in the county according to the ratio the city's population bears to the total population of the county.
(2) To each town located in the county according to the ratio the town's population bears to the total population of the county.
(3) After the distributions required in subdivisions (1) and (2) are made, the remainder shall be retained by the county.
(e) Money received by a city, town, or county under subsection (d) or (g) may be used for any of the following purposes:
(1) To reduce the property tax levy of the city, town, or county for a particular year (a property tax reduction under this subdivision does not reduce the maximum levy of the city, town, or county under IC 6-1.1-18.5).
(2) For deposit in a special fund or allocation fund created under IC 8-22-3.5, IC 36-7-14, IC 36-7-14.5, IC 36-7-15.1, and IC 36-7-30 to provide funding for debt repayment.
(3) To fund sewer and water projects, including storm water management projects.
(4) For police and fire pensions.
(5) To carry out any governmental purpose for which the money is appropriated by the fiscal body of the city, town, or county. Money used under this subdivision does not reduce the property tax levy of the city, town, or county for a particular year or reduce the maximum levy of the city, town, or county under IC 6-1.1-18.5.
(f) This subsection does not apply to an inland casino operating in Vigo County. Before July 15 of each year, the auditor of state shall determine the total amount of money distributed to an entity under IC 4-33-12-6 or IC 4-33-12-8 during the preceding state fiscal year. If the auditor of state determines that the total amount of money distributed to an entity under IC 4-33-12-6 or IC 4-33-12-8 during the preceding state fiscal year was less than the entity's base year revenue (as determined under IC 4-33-12-9), the auditor of state shall make a supplemental distribution to the entity from taxes collected under this chapter and deposited into the state general fund. Except as provided in subsection (h), the amount of an entity's supplemental distribution is equal to:
(1) the entity's base year revenue (as determined under IC 4-33-12-9); minus
(2) the sum of:
(A) the total amount of money distributed to the entity and constructively received by the entity during the preceding state fiscal year under IC 4-33-12-6 or IC 4-33-12-8; plus
(B) the amount of any admissions taxes deducted under IC 6-3.1-20-7.
(g) This subsection applies only to Marion County. The county auditor shall distribute the money received by the county under subsection (d) as follows:
(1) To each city, other than the consolidated city, located in the county according to the ratio that the city's population bears to the total population of the county.
(2) To each town located in the county according to the ratio that the town's population bears to the total population of the county.
(3) After the distributions required in subdivisions (1) and (2) are made, the remainder shall be paid in equal amounts to the consolidated city and the county.
(h) This subsection does not apply to an inland casino operating in Vigo County. This subsection applies to a supplemental distribution made after June 30, 2017. The maximum amount of money that may be distributed under subsection (f) in a state fiscal year is equal to the following:
(1) Before July 1, 2021, forty-eight million dollars ($48,000,000).
(2) After June 30, 2021, if the total adjusted gross receipts received by licensees from gambling games authorized under this article during the preceding state fiscal year is equal to or greater than the total adjusted gross receipts received by licensees from gambling games authorized under this article during the state fiscal year ending June 30, 2020, the maximum amount is forty-eight million dollars ($48,000,000).
(3) After June 30, 2021, if the total adjusted gross receipts received by licensees from gambling games authorized under this article during the preceding state fiscal year is less than the total adjusted gross receipts received by licensees from gambling games authorized under this article during the state fiscal year ending June 30, 2020, the maximum amount is equal to the result of:
(A) forty-eight million dollars ($48,000,000); multiplied by
(B) the result of:
(i) the total adjusted gross receipts received by licensees from gambling games authorized under this article during the preceding state fiscal year; divided by
(ii) the total adjusted gross receipts received by licensees from gambling games authorized under this article during the state fiscal year ending June 30, 2020.
If the total amount determined under subsection (f) exceeds the maximum amount determined under this subsection, the amount distributed to an entity under subsection (f) must be reduced according to the ratio that the amount distributed to the entity under IC 4-33-12-6 or IC 4-33-12-8 bears to the total amount distributed under IC 4-33-12-6 and IC 4-33-12-8 to all entities receiving a supplemental distribution.
(i) This subsection applies to a supplemental distribution, if any, payable to Lake County, Hammond, Gary, or East Chicago under subsections (f) and (h). Beginning in July 2016, the auditor of state shall, after making any deductions from the supplemental distribution required by IC 6-3.1-20-7, deduct from the remainder of the supplemental distribution otherwise payable to the unit under this section the lesser of:
(1) the remaining amount of the supplemental distribution; or
(2) the difference, if any, between:
(A) three million five hundred thousand dollars ($3,500,000); minus
(B) the amount of admissions taxes constructively received by the unit in the previous state fiscal year.
The auditor of state shall distribute the amounts deducted under this subsection to the northwest Indiana redevelopment authority established under IC 36-7.5-2-1 for deposit in the development authority revenue fund established under IC 36-7.5-4-1.
(j) Money distributed to a political subdivision under subsection (b):
(1) must be paid to the fiscal officer of the political subdivision and may be deposited in the political subdivision's general fund (in the case of a school corporation, the school corporation may deposit the money into either the education fund (IC 20-40-2) or the operations fund (IC 20-40-18)) or riverboat fund established under IC 36-1-8-9, or both;
(2) may not be used to reduce the maximum levy under IC 6-1.1-18.5 of a county, city, or town or the maximum tax rate of a school corporation, but, except as provided in subsection (b)(3)(B), may be used at the discretion of the political subdivision to reduce the property tax levy of the county, city, or town for a particular year;
(3) except as provided in subsection (b)(3)(B), may be used for any legal or corporate purpose of the political subdivision, including the pledge of money to bonds, leases, or other obligations under IC 5-1-14-4; and
(4) is considered miscellaneous revenue.
Money distributed under subsection (b)(3)(B) must be used for the purposes specified in subsection (b)(3)(B).
(k) After June 30, 2020, the amount of wagering taxes that would otherwise be distributed to South Bend under subsection (d) shall be deposited as being received from all riverboats whose supplemental wagering tax, as calculated under IC 4-33-12-1.5(b), is over three and five-tenths percent (3.5%). The amount deposited under this subsection, in each riverboat's account, is proportionate to the supplemental wagering tax received from that riverboat under IC 4-33-12-1.5 in the month of July. The amount deposited under this subsection must be distributed in the same manner as the supplemental wagering tax collected under IC 4-33-12-1.5. This subsection expires June 30, 2021.
(l) After June 30, 2021, the amount of wagering taxes that would otherwise be distributed to South Bend under subsection (d) shall be withheld and deposited in the state general fund.
As added by P.L.277-1993(ss), SEC.124. Amended by P.L.2-1995, SEC.11; P.L.25-1995, SEC.7; P.L.273-1999, SEC.44; P.L.186-2002, SEC.11; P.L.178-2002, SEC.3; P.L.192-2002(ss), SEC.26; P.L.185-2003, SEC.1; P.L.92-2003, SEC.55; P.L.224-2003, SEC.47; P.L.97-2004, SEC.17; P.L.2-2005, SEC.10; P.L.246-2005, SEC.46; P.L.91-2006, SEC.4; P.L.233-2007, SEC.19; P.L.234-2007, SEC.281; P.L.3-2008, SEC.14; P.L.146-2008, SEC.18; P.L.96-2010, SEC.4; P.L.119-2012, SEC.10; P.L.205-2013, SEC.70; P.L.229-2013, SEC.21; P.L.2-2014, SEC.8; P.L.192-2015, SEC.3; P.L.255-2015, SEC.18; P.L.204-2016, SEC.6; P.L.268-2017, SEC.35; P.L.86-2018, SEC.8; P.L.189-2018, SEC.16; P.L.212-2018(ss), SEC.8; P.L.238-2019, SEC.2; P.L.58-2019, SEC.5; P.L.108-2019, SEC.73; P.L.293-2019, SEC.31; P.L.137-2022, SEC.7; P.L.104-2022, SEC.9; P.L.178-2022(ts), SEC.2.