Indiana Code
Chapter 12.5. Distribution of Admissions Tax Revenue to Certain Municipalities
4-33-12.5-8. Distributions Received; Use of Money

Sec. 8. An eligible municipality may use money received from the county under this chapter only for the following infrastructure improvements:
(1) Construction, reconstruction, repair, maintenance, oiling, and sprinkling of highways and curbs.
(2) Separation of the grades of crossing of highways and railroads.
(3) Engineering, land acquisition, construction, resurfacing, maintenance, restoration, and rehabilitation of both local and arterial road and street systems.
(4) Payment of principal and interest on bonds sold primarily to finance road, street, or thoroughfare projects.
(5) Local costs required to undertake a recreational or reservoir road project under IC 8-23-5.
(6) Construction, equipment, remodeling, extension, repair, and betterment of structures, including the following:
(A) Sanitary sewers and sanitary sewer tap-ins.
(B) Sidewalks.
(C) Curbs.
(D) Streets.
(E) Alleys.
(F) Pedestrian-ways or malls set aside entirely, partly, or during restricted hours, for pedestrian traffic rather than vehicular traffic.
(G) Other paved public places.
(H) Parking facilities.
(I) Lighting.
(J) Electric signals.
(K) Landscaping, including trees, shrubbery, flowers, grass, fountains, benches, statues, floodlighting, gas lighting, and structures of a decorative, an educational, or a historical nature.
(7) Sewage works, including the following:
(A) Sewage treatment plants.
(B) Intercepting sewers.
(C) Main sewers.
(D) Submain sewers.
(E) Local sewers.
(F) Lateral sewers.
(G) Outfall sewers.
(H) Storm sewers.
(I) Force mains.
(J) Pumping stations.
(K) Ejector stations.
(L) Any other structures necessary or useful for the collection, treatment, purification, and sanitary disposal of the liquid waste, solid waste, sewage, storm drainage, and other drainage of a municipality.
As added by P.L.214-2005, SEC.5.