Indiana Code
Chapter 9. Security
4-32.3-9-6. Destroyed, Discontinued, or Unusable Licensed Supplies

Sec. 6. (a) This section applies only to products sold in Indiana.
(b) If a licensed manufacturer or distributor destroys, discontinues, or otherwise renders unusable a licensed supply, the manufacturer or distributor shall provide the commission with a written list of the items destroyed, discontinued, or rendered otherwise unusable.
(c) The list required under subsection (b) must contain the following information concerning the items destroyed, discontinued, or rendered otherwise unusable:
(1) The quantity.
(2) A description.
(3) The serial numbers.
(4) The date the items were destroyed, discontinued, or rendered otherwise unusable.
(d) Notwithstanding subsection (b), this section does not apply to a product considered defective by the manufacturer or distributor.
As added by P.L.58-2019, SEC.4.