Indiana Code
Chapter 8. Penalties
4-32.3-8-1. Grounds for Penalties

Sec. 1. (a) The commission may suspend or revoke the license of or levy a civil penalty against a qualified organization, a manufacturer, a distributor, or an individual under this article for any of the following:
(1) Violation of:
(A) a provision of this article, IC 35-45-5-3, IC 35-45-5-3.5, IC 35-45-5-4, or a rule of the commission; or
(B) any other local ordinance, state or federal statute, or administrative rule or regulation that would cause the commission to determine that the person is not of good moral character or reputation.
(2) Failure to accurately account for a licensed supply.
(3) Failure to accurately account for sales proceeds from an event or activity licensed or permitted under this article.
(4) Commission of a fraud, deceit, or misrepresentation.
(5) Conduct prejudicial to public confidence in the commission.
(6) To ensure the integrity of charitable gaming in Indiana.
(b) If a violation is of a continuing nature, the commission may impose a civil penalty upon a licensee or an individual for each day the violation continues.
(c) For purposes of subsection (a), a finding that a person has violated IC 35-45-5-3, IC 35-45-5-3.5, or IC 35-45-5-4 must be supported by a preponderance of the evidence.
As added by P.L.58-2019, SEC.4.